-chapter 6-

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I wake up, wondering why my alarm's repetitive noise wasn't bursting through my eardrums. However, when I look outside I rush over to my phone and see the time '12:22'.

"Oh Lord," I hit myself in the head several times and quickly got ready faster than I ever had which was around 30 minutes. Don't you dare judge! Showering has always been a long, and enjoyable, process for me

I walked out of my house with the same makeup as I did every day and a random pair of jeans with a cute yellow crop top, despite being late and rushing I looked reasonably good.

As soon as I walk out of my house my eyes automatically dart to the house next to mine and I spot the one and only Ryder locking his house and meeting eyes with mine. "I'm guessing you woke up late as well" He smirks and I shrug "Yup" I pop my p. "How comes? On purpose or-?"

"Off course not" I shake my head, " I stayed up late last night, binge-watching Netflix". "Wow must have been a good show, so I'm guessing you watch it often?" He asks and I nod back. I walk out of my gate and start heading to school and as I walk past his gate he stands there and wolf's whistles at me as I walk by. Almost instantly making my tanned face redden.

"Stop you idiot" I hiss at him and he laughs. "Since we are late already, how about we skip school?" He asks and I thought about it in my head.

I really shouldn't, I ditched school yesterday too. However, it would be nice to shock this guy and actually agree to one of his weird suggestions. Plus, if he pisses me off I could simply just walk away from him.

"Hmn, why not" I shrug and for a second he looks shocked but that signature smirk just came right back. At least I saw a different expression, even if it was for only one second. All I know is that stupid smirk he makes all the time and an occasional laugh, although the laugh is always to make fun of me in some sort of way.

He opens the car door for me and walks around, hopping into the driver's side of the car. I stand there hesitating for a second, did I really want to spend the day with this idiot. I mean I had already come up with the conclusion that although he's super annoying and a complete jerk, he wasn't the type to drag me to an abandoned house and sell me off. He wasn't like those rumours that told everyone he often beats people up, that he's in a gang or that he is a crazy meth dealer. I was a good reader of character... well most of the time, and I had a feeling he wouldn't do such things for no reason, or he wouldn't do them at all.

At least I hoped not, after all, I was getting into the car with him.

"Are you just gonna stand there all day or what?" He states which stops my thoughts and I hop into the passenger seat.

"Wow it's so comfy" I grin and he laughs and starts the engine. We drive for around 10 minutes after I sing to the songs on the radio where I would hear him occasionally hum. But every time I would turn my head towards him, after hearing him hum. He would just act all innocent as if he wasn't just singing along- but I knew what I had heard. Despite his shyness.

But I never failed to see his mouth smiling ever so slightly when I turned towards him, and for some reason, it made me do the same.

"Where are we actually going?" I question him and he just points in front of us as he finishes parking the car and I see a small building in front of us. It was obvious it was a café so I got out and headed over. I heard his footsteps just behind me so I walked in.

The place smelled nice and it looked comfy. It wasn't big but it wasn't too small either. "What could I get for the young couple?" She asks making me blush. "Oh, we aren't-" But before I could answer properly he puts his arms around my shoulder making me freeze in shock. "Could I get 2 caramel iced Frappes?" He asks politely "please" I add in forgetting about the heavy arm around me and giving him a stern look, "Don't forget your manners idiot."

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