Maybe someone threatened her with something. Whoever had done it must have been a hybrid or someone I had here, there weren't any strange scents here. Right? That had to be it, she wouldn't have left on her own.

She promised she wouldn't run away from me. She wouldn't leave me.

Something has to be wrong, right? I growled just at the idea that someone was blackmailing Fall. But there was something that bothered me, I'm not sure what it was but it both pissed me off and had me borderline panicking.

"Derik, what's wrong? It's like seven thirty," When did I call Adam?

"Fall's gone," The voice I used didn't seem like mine. It seemed dejected, pained.

"What do you mean she's gone? Fall wouldn't have been kidnapped, she can put up more of a fight than that."

"Yeah, but she's not here. There's no scent trail, no signs of struggle, no note, no one's even seen her. Something's wrong,"

"Alright, calm down. We'll find her. We know Fall, there would be a struggle somewhere. Someone would have been dumb enough to hurt her or someone else, she wouldn't stop trying to help people. And if anyone can find her the Regional can, I'll tell him what we know and he'll use all the resources he has to track her down."

"You're hiding something, what is it?" I barked.

"You know she might have left on her own, right?" He sounded reluctant to tell me.

"She wouldn't leave me, she promised." I croaked.

"Fall's not in the best state of mind, she's seen a lot and it's possible seeing Rosie could have triggered something mentally." Adam gently reminded me.

"She wouldn't have left me," I growled and hung up the phone.

I hate when people leave.


"M-mom, where are you going."

"I can't stand that man, and I can't stand that you look just like him! With that damn stupid hair you're going to end up an asshole just like your father!" She yelled at me.

"N-no! Please don't leave, we can dye my hair! Please take me with you," I begged.

"Shut the fuck up! If the bitch wants to leave me then she will," I looked at my father. His words were angry but I knew this hurt him. I know he cares.

"Please Mom," I didn't even get to finish the sentence before the door slammed in my face.

"This is your fault!" My dad yelled. His golden eyes blazed with a look I'd never seen directed at me before. "I hate you!"

The wall crumpled under my shoulder, my face hurts. How could he do this to me? I thought he loved me. I miss my mom. And just like my mother just had he turned his back to me.


And then I paced. I hated that there wasn't anything I could do. I had to wait for Seth or Adam to find something, probably a dead body. Fall wasn't a gentle person especially to people who treated her or other pets like dirt.

But the longer I waited the more agitated I became. I hate the idea of people leaving me.

But what Adam said wasn't completely impossible, she was subject to her emotions and she had gotten a shock with Rosie. Not to mention her nightmare and how she acted yesterday.

But I also knew somewhere that if she left it would have been implanted in her somewhere that it's for the best.

"Adam, ask the Regional to look for computers using Fall's email or evidence of people who treat pets badly being tortured or killed. If you're right she'd help with the website and either way heads will roll." Without waiting for a response I hung up.

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