Echoes of the Past

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"I could have hurt you...." she whispered in alarm.  She had been so close to striking him, that she didn't think he even realized just how much danger he'd been in.

"If it means being closer to you, then I want you to hurt me."  he whispered back with a hint of amusement in his soft gaze before she roughly took hold of his robes.

In a swirl of energy, she quickly removed him from the corridors seeing as Shifu was still awake and knowing what the outcome would be if he caught her unsettling his aura, she then threw up a privacy barrier before leading him to the lit hearth where he immediately pulled her back into his arms.

For a moment, the amusement lingered, because he could imagine all too well how Su Su would have reacted to what he had just said.  First, she would have looked stunned, then shocked.  The blush would have risen and she would have immediately buried her shy head into his chest.  Si Yin on the other hand, would have taken his words at face value and immediately set out to hurt him and probably herself along with him.  This woman on the other hand was neither shy nor trying to hurt him.  Rather, she was slowly disrobing him with a skill and tenderness that not only set his heart racing in anticipation, but there was a certain edge to the look in her eyes, one that he should be perhaps afraid of.  

He wasn't sure what it was that had the excitement growing, but suddenly that initial trepidation, shyness and awkwardness was fast falling away with his robes and hers along with them.  He stole a few kisses as she worked methodically to get the layers off him, and all the while, the warmth in her chamber began to heat up as she slowly slipped out of the last inner robe until only her underwear remained.

Deciding he wanted her to remain in them so he could uncover her body slowly, he then lowered them both to the thick fur rug at his feet, though rather than lay her down, he pulled her up onto his lap so he could continue to kiss her while the feel of her warm body in his arms brought back a myriad of memories from her time as Su Su.

"Are you sure Ye Hua?  I can wait until you are ready." she said softly breaking into his thoughts having briefly lost himself to them and going by the uncertainty in her soft gaze, he realized his mind had wandered a little too far.  

"I'm not sure.  But I want to do this Qian Qian.  I want you....." his voice hoarsely whispered down into the soft eyes that were seeking confirmation from him.

In her mind, she knew that once they had broken through this one barrier, everything else would naturally follow.  She would be lying if she said she wsn't apprehensive, after all, they had been apart for so long.  But that desire in his eyes and the way he had gently undressed her, said he wanted to continue even if his mind was now stalling a little.

And so very gently, she took his face into her hands and pulled him towards her.  His breath felt warm against her face as she pressed into his lips while her hands then rose to pull the pin from his hair.  And as if the years were fast rolling away, the sweetness of his tongue lightly seeking entry, fast had the memory of that night on a beach covered in little gemstones, coming back to her thick and fast.

Pulling away from her, his hand genlty slid up the nape of her neck before angling her back and as his lips lowered again to taste that throbbing vein he had wanted to taste, the rising heat in his body soon had him lowering the thin silk camisole from her body and all the while, his lips moved over the soft tender flesh that was lightly glistening under the soft glow of a lit hearth.

"I thought I would never see this again." he whispered as his tongue slowly lathed over a flicker of light that was dancing across her shoulder blade and a memory of standing at the edge of Zhutian Terrace with every memory he had her dancing through his mind just seconds before he jumped.

She knew what he was thinking as his tongue then slid down into the crevace of her breasts which seemed fuller and softer than he remembered, because she was thinking the same thing.  But rather than answer him with words of comfort, her body instead did the talking for her as a wave of pleasure set her muscles trembling the moment his tongue found the soft rise of a nipple.

Pulling on it gently, his lips slowly suckled it into his mouth as the last of his own robes gave way and his hair set free to tumble about shoulders.  In that soft flickering light of only a burning hearth and a few lit candles, the pleasures they had once known was slowly being awakened as her hands roamed up over his back and into his hair.  His beautiful long hair, was now full, even and jet black.  Her fingers lost themselves as her mind stilled all thought, while her body came alive in his arms, like a tidal wave that was steadily building on a far away shore, she felt every little pleasureable nip of his lips as a surge of energy bulding deeply in her core, knowing that the surge was just moments away from drowning her in an ecstasy that had laid dormant for far too long.

In his mind, Ye Hua couldn't help but marvel at how very similar she was feeling to Su Su.  There were certainly differences, but it was the gentleness he was focusing on.   The way her hands lightly traced his back before diving into his hair to gently cradle his head, was very similar to the way Su Su would love him.  Even the soft mewls and light gasps were the same as was the gentle way her body moved in against him.  But the differences were also becoming more noticeable the further down her body his tongue went.

There was no shyness, her legs opened wider while her head tipped deeper back in order to give him more access.  Su Su had been too shy and grew even more so the longer his eyes raked her body, only Bai Qian had no such qualms.  Her body moved in perfect synch with him, her breasts rose and fell in small waves of pleasure against him and by the time he was ready to lower her completely to the rug, her body fully opened up below him as the last of her underwear was removed.

Nothing of herself was kept from him, and nor did she try to snatch at the rug to hide herself from view, if anything, she seemed to be revelling in the way his eyes drank in every dip and curve that had grown fuller, more sensual while her frangrance seemed far more headier and intoxicating than he remembered, and as his head lowered to kiss her again, he suddenly felt himself being slowly rolled over and his hands pinned down at his sides as she then took over.

He knew then, that this was Bai Qian making love to him in a way he had never thought possible.  Rather than the rough and rather unseemly way that Si Yin had made love to him, Bai Qians way was firm but tender, sensual but erotic, gentle but highly arousing and as she rose up from his arms, the fullness of her body came into view as she placed herself right over the top of him.

She knew he wanted to keep going and take their love making further, but she knew how little energy he had, and not wanting him to over exert himself, she took him slowly and as gently as she could while also forcing whatever inhibitions he had left to the hearth as she slowly lowered herself down onto him.

Her hair was out and flowing down the sides of her arms, while the rest of her was in full view so that nothing of herself was hidden.  Not even their joining where his eyes finally rested as she rose up and then slowly slid back down.  And as if a dam had burst and that tsunami of waves washed over him, the sight of her beautiful body riding him in a way that neither Su Su nor Si Yin had managed to achieve, had his entire body quaking beneath her as an immeasurable wave of pleasure hit.  This woman was beyond beautiful.  

Every part of her body moved with a fluidity that made her look just like the gemstones on that far away beach, the way her head flew back as her peak hit, the way her breasts heaved in and out above him, the way she gently drew him into herself while her hands lightly slid down the insides of his thighs and towards that aching part of him and the shimmering flicker of the flames of the hearth dancing across her skin had him exploding  at the way she gently drew it all out of him in a way that almost sent him back to that chaos.

She knew he had expended far too much energy and no sooner was the drift down over, she quickly bundled him up into her arms to gently ease his energy with a little boost of her own until his breathing once again stabilized.  Then quietly she enveloped him into a bubble of warmth and carried him back to his own chamber just in time for her Shifus final visit and barely avoiding a scolding for keeping him up later than she should have.

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