Chapter Three

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AN: And we're back with Chapter Three! So this time we'll be starting with Selena, then going to Sorina, and ending with Stefan. Hope you all enjoy and as always be sure to drop some comments with your thoughts as you read! Now onward and forward to Chapter Three!



We had all moved to the ballroom for the reception. Well most of us did, anyway. Sorina and Gabriel had gone to deal with the reporters that had gathered outside the gates of Cygnus Keep, all hoping to get a photo of me and Damien. They would rejoin the party soon.

Currently, Damien and I were sipping on sparkling apple cider, just enjoying each other's company, when we heard a voice.

"Your Majesty," I heard someone greet Damien. We turned and found a middle aged woman standing there.

"Lady Pennington," Damien greeted, "May I introduce you to my wife, Selena, Queen of the Stars."

It still felt so surreal to hear him say that. Wife. Queen of the Stars.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," she told me in a sugary sweet voice. I felt the lack of sincerity in her words and wondered where this was going. "And here I thought you'd marry my daughter, my King," Lady Pennington, "You two seemed to get along so well. But the Queen just arrived, seemingly out of nowhere, and stole your heart." She was jealous. That much was clear. I could feel it coming off her and I shifted uneasily as her hazel eyes examined me. Thankfully, Damien and I didn't have to endure Lady Pennington's presence for long.

"Lady Pennington!" a voice called. It was Calder and he was coming to rescue us.

"Lord Sinclair," Lady Pennington greeted him.

Calder winked at us before turning to Lady Pennington.

"I understand your daughter, Amelia, has gone to the Court of Faeries for business," Calder told her, "How is she?"

Lady Pennington began to ramble about her daughter and stopped paying attention to us, so Damien and I used the opportunity and made our escape.

"She thought you were going to marry her daughter," I stated, "Can I ask why?"

"Amelia and I are barely acquaintances. I think I've only met her once or twice in my life. But I do understand Lady Pennington's thought," Damien told me.

"How?" I asked.

"Because the Court is full of people trying to gain power and the best way to do that without openly betraying the crown is through marriage," Damien replied, "Having five, unmarried monarchs is hazardous."

"Well now it's three," I stated with a smile, "Because you're mine and Cal is with Star."

He chuckled. Then I remembered Stefan's phone call and I knew had to tell him. We were alone now, so now was the perfect time.

"There's something you should know," I told him.

"What happened?" he asked.

"Stefan called me," I replied.

"What? When?" he asked, surprised.

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