chapter 18. adventurous

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whats this, a note at the beginning?! just wanted to let yall know i havent been updating bc i had to study for finals but theyre done now wooo i h8 school (note- listen to long way home while reading this, it'll make it much more enjoyable)


That night, Ashton and I had made an unspoken pact - that we would try to make whatever we were work.

I had then woken up to the beautiful sight of Ashton sleeping peacefully with a muscled arm wrapped around my waist, and over breakfast, admitted my crazy obsession with museums. Before I was even finished speaking, Ashton had fished out his phone to google the location of museums in the area.

"Look," he had said, pointing to the screen. "If we take this bus down, we'd end up right by this awesome art gallery. Wanna go?"

He had said it so offhandedly that I had stared at him in awe, barely managing a nod. I'd always tried to drag my family down to museuems when we visited New York and they were never interested, yet here was this boy that I had met just a few months ago, and he was willing to join me in doing the things I loved.

I think that was when I felt myself falling a little bit more for Ashton Irwin.

He glanced down to his phone again before standing up abruptly and grabbing my hand, tugging me along as he headed towards the front door.

"Wait, Ashton, where are we-"

"It opens at ten, and I want us to get there early so you can have a lot of time to look at the artwork." He had said, glancing back at me and grinning widely.

"But- I'm wearing yesterday's clothes and they're all wrinkled, and my hair-"

Ashton had stopped me then, grabbing me by the shoulders so I was staring straight into his eyes. "I think your hair looks amazing." He had wrapped a curly, impossibly frizzy strand around his finger, brushing it away from my face as he spoke. "And I think you look amazing, like you always do."

My face grew warm and my stomach flipped, even though I knew I looked like a mess.

"But can I maybe just change-"

He reached out a placed a long finger on my lips, grinning when I went silent. "Nope. We're living in the moment, okay?"

"Okay." I managed to whisper as he pecked my cheek and guided me out the door.

That was how one of the best weeks of my life started.

We had started at one of the prettiest art galleries I'd ever been to, although I sadly hadn't been to many. There were so many beautiful paintings, yet so many where I couldn't quite figure out the meaning behind. In a way, I guessed that was what made art in general so amazing; the fact that every single piece could be interpreted in so many ways. It reminded me of music, and how it meant different things to different people.

While I hadn't tried to conceal my awe at the gorgeous art displayed, Ashton had silently walked beside me for most of the visit. I wasn't sure if he was enjoying himself or actually bored out of his mind, but every now and then he would take pictures.

Typical me was curious to see what he had photographed, so when Ashton was in line at a small cafe we'd decided to eat in, I'd snatched his phone with the intention of taking a glance at his camera roll. However, as I unlocked the phone (he surprisingly had no passcode), his Instagram feed had popped up and I was staring at his recently posted picture.

It was a picture of me, or at least the back of me, scruntizing a watercolor style painting of  greenery that I'd thought was worth noting. It was a significant piece in my mind, and I remembered looking at it a bit longer than I had the others, mesmerized by the swirling shades of colour and strokes, and especially captivated by the fact that I had no clue what it was supposed to be.

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