chapter 15. warm

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On the outside I tried to remain calm, but inwardly, I was a mess. Dinner with Ashton's family? Knowing me, I'd probably blurt out something about Ashton's briefs in front of his mum and make things embarrassingly awkward for everyone.

It didn't really help matters that I looked like a trash bag in my casual clothes, and I immediately asked Ashton to take me home to change. Being the typical nice guy he was, he reassured me that I looked fine, but I wasn't sure if he was just being polite or if my concealer really was worth all the money.

Nonetheless, after a few minutes of pleading Ashton finally agreed to let me change, and I was currently seated in black skinny jeans and a sheer blouse in the passenger seat of his car. As the minutes passed and we got closer to his house, my panic grew and I began to fidget in my seat. I usually loved to meet my friends' family, but those friends were girls and Ashton wasn't really a friend - at least to me. This made my first impression a lot more important, and out of habit, my knee jiggled up and down.

Ashton caught my nervous gesture and smiled at me, taking one hand off the wheel to place it on my leg. I assumed he did it to try and comfort me, but the feel of his hand on my thigh just made my heart rate increase even more.

"Don't be nervous," he began soothingly. "I haven't told them much, but what they have heard, I swear it's all good things."

I tried to smile at his effort to calm me, but inside, I could still feel my stomach churning. If I didn't think I was good enough for ashton, then I had no idea what would stop Ashton's family from thinking the same thing.

When we finally arrived, I took my time to observe the place where Ashton grew up. His house wasn't anything overly large or extraordinary, but it was still welcoming with its grey brick and lovely assortment of plants lining the lawn. Absentmindedly, I thought of how my mum would love Ashton's house. She'd always had a green thumb and would cover any surface possible with plants or flowers.

My thoughts were interrupted when Ashton came around to open my door for me, and I couldn't help but laugh when I remembered Calum doing the same thing for me earlier this morning. It seemed that being in a band gave you manners of some sort, or maybe that was just those four boys in general.

"Seems like you've learned your door opening skills from Calum," I laughed, stepping out of the car as Ashton closed the door behind me.

He paused for a moment, and his eyes narrowed. "I didn't know Calum opened doors for girls."

Shaking my head in amusement, I didn't answer him and instead walked up to his front door, patiently waiting for Ashton. Instead of knocking, he simply opened the door, pulling me by the wrist into his house.

"Mum, we're here! Harry, Lauren, get your cute selves over here and meet Julia!"

I heard the sound of footsteps, and noticed that we were standing in a long white hallway adorned with numerous family photos. A pair of children, a girl and boy, came running down the staircase. Ashton had never talked about his siblings, so I didn't know what to expect, but as they approached us, I realized that they were both younger. Lauren appeared to be in her early teens, while Harry was shorter and looked a few years younger. Both had a striking resemblance to Ashton, but Lauren was a brunette while Harry was more of a sandy blonde. Nonetheless, they were both cute and probably talented like their older brother.

Lauren was the first to break the silence and speak to up.

"Ash, you didn't tell us she looked like a model. I could have worn something cuter," she sighed exasperatedly, shaking her head.

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