chapter 13. inspiring

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Whenever I had bad nights I usually experienced insomnia, so I wasn't surprised that I had drifted off to sleep at 5 am with tear stained cheeks and swollen eyes. Because of this long night between sobbing and anxiety, I woke up at 8 am feeling like absolute shit.

After falling out of my bed and sloppily brushing my teeth, I finally gained the courage to look at my reflection in the bathroom mirror.

What an awful mistake.

My hair was frizzy and tangled, resembling either a bird's nest or something a cat had coughed up; I couldn't decide. Bloodshot eyes with deep, purple circles underneath stared back at me, and my lips were dry and cracked. I looked like something straight out of a horror movie, and right now the best solution was a cup of coffee.

Each of my limbs felt heavy with sleep as I stumbled into the kitchen. The light shining through the window momentarily blinded me before illuminating my shiny target - the coffee machine. I fiddled around with some of the buttons and managed to get some coffee brewing before leaning back on the counter and sighing deeply.

Today was going to be one hell of a day.

I spent a few minutes massaging my temples to try and ease my tension, when I head the beep that meant my coffee was ready. Just as I was about to open one of the cabinets in search of my favourite mug, the sound of a knock echoed through the apartment.

I wasn't expecting any visitors, so when I opened the door to find Calum on the other side, smiling happily while decked out in a green day muscle tee, black skinnies rolled up to his ankles and Vans, I was surprised to say the very least.

"Hey, Jul- wow, you look like shit." He said, staring blatantly at what I assumed were my oh so gorgeous eye bags.

"Tell me something I don't know," I sighed. Gesturing for him to come in, I made my way over to the couch and fell into it carelessly. "So, what brings you to my wonderfully boring apartment?"

Calum grinned as he took a seat in Rachel's favourite piece of furniture, a leather armchair that rocked back and forth. I inwardly cringed as I remembered the time she stood up on it half-drunk and pretended to surf, but promptly fell off and hit her elbow on the table instead. Needless to say, the chair did not have fond memories for me.

"Well, a little birdie told me not to bother you, but everybody knows I don't follow the rules."

I couldn't help but laugh at Calum's attempt to be some sort of slick bad boy.

"First off, you're in Rachel's chair, and if she knew I would probably be missing a limb right now. Secondly, if you're trying to be edgy, at least get yourself some sort of leather jacket." I gestured to Calum's bare arms.

"I'll do what I want, I'm punk rock. I don't see Rachel around here anyways. Also, I'll have you know, I've got at least three leather jackets." Calum made a point of whipping three fingers in my face, clearly trying to stress how serious he was about the quantity of his jackets.

Just like I had reacted to Ashton, I burst out laughing at Calum's attempt to seem badass. Clearly 5sos prided themselves on seeming like a hardcore band filled with punk rockers, but the inflatable banana and stuffed animals I had witnessed in their home made me think otherwise.

Calum frowned at my laughter and retreated to the armchair, pushing his bottom lip into a pout that became more and more prominent when my laughter didn't stop. Finally, I noticed the petulant glare on his face and immediately ceased laughing in a feeble effort to make him feel better.

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