chapter 11. [alternate ending]

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hey guys so i came up with this idea while i was reading some comments from the last chapter and i thought it was really interesting for julia as a character. i think it shows some of her badassness. it starts from when joyce went to hug julia and was basically being her usual bitchy self. hope you enjoy!


She forced a bright smile and walked forward, pulling me into what would have looked like a friendly hug. I could smell the hairspray lingering on her hair as she whispered in my ear.

"I always knew you would choose your friends by their status. They definitely get you the attention you've always wanted." Her words dripped with malice and I wanted so badly to pull away from her embrace, but instead I stood frozen. Each word was like lead in my veins, pulling me down and rooting me to the spot. "You were always so eager to please."

With that line, she pulled away and shot Ashton another dazzling smile before she eyed me. Something inside me snapped and I pulled away from Ashton, stalking up to her. I was sick of her games, and I was going to end them once and for all.

"You know what Joyce? I came out here to have a good time and i'm honestly feeling so attacked right now." I ranted before pulling a machete out of thin air and slicing her head off. "Just shut your mouth already."

I turned around to see Ashton smirking at me, showcasing his perfect dimples as I wiped the streaks of blood off the weapon.

"That was really cool!1!!!" he giggled before slipping his arm around my waist again and smirking.

I blushed, looking down at my crimson red hands as he smirked.

"Anyway, want some lunch now?" he asked, smirking as he pried the machete out of my fingers, swinging it around experimentally.

My eyes widened. "Wait Ashton, watch out-"

The axe slipped from his grasp and sailed through the air before landing with a thud on its target. Luke, who had been in the middle of telling another stupid story, broke off and slumped forward, the machete sticking out of his back as his body hit the table.

I blinked as Ashton looked at me with innocent eyes before smirking.



im shaking im laughing so hard rn omg pls dont chop my head off with a machete like julia did im sorry

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