chapter 16. intense

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I woke up to the sound of my phone's continuous buzzing and blearily grasped my hand along the bedside table trying to find it. When i did, I squinted my eyes disbelievingly, seeing that I had ten messages from ashton.

9:40 am
Morning babe x

9:42 am
I'm sleepy

9:45 am
I have meetings and interviews all day today :( We can watch a movie at yours after though if you want?

9:56 am
Babe, you still sleeping?

9:57 am
You must be tired since you've been running in my dreams all night (;

9:58 am
Am I smooth or am I smooth

10:20 am
Help me this meeting is boringgggg

10:40 am
Wakey wakey eggs and bakey

10:41 am
Is that the saying

10:44 am
Oh well fuck it

The smile on my face grew with every text I read, and I laughed when I finally reached the last one. My phone buzzed with two more texts, and I swiped my finger over the screen to see Ashton's contact name again.

11:13 am
Mike saw all my texts and now he's laughing at me :(

11:13 am
He told the others :((

I mentally said a silent prayer for Ashton, knowing the boys would never give him a break. However, the grin on my face froze when I realized it was probably expected of me to reply back to him.

I'd had a fair share of guys in my life before, but somehow, being with Ashton was something entirely different. It wasn't that he was famous, but I always found myself excited and all too awkward when it came to him and anything related to him.

Almost on impulse, my finger immediately hit my number one contact, and it rang for a while until she picked up.

"Julia?" her voice was a sleepy mumble, and I figured I'd probably woken her from a nap or something.

"Rachel, how do I text boys?" I blurted in a panic.

"What?" The blatant confusion in her voice was audible. "Julia, it's 3:15 am here, and you called me to ask how to text boys?"

My eyes widened and I immediately felt guilty. I'd completely forgotten about the time difference.

"Frick, I'm so sorry Rach-"

She cut off my reply with a sleepy yawn.

"It's cool. What's the deal about texting boys, is that the new code word for Ashton? That'll get awfully confusing for the majority of our conversations, so you need to choose a better code name, like banana."

I spluttered, my mind automatically flashing back to the inflatable banana in Ashton's place and wondering if Rachel had a sixth sense. "What? Who said I was talking about-"

"It's pretty obvious." she deadpanned, still managing to be her usual sassy self albeit her tiredness.

"Fine, we uh- we might've kissed yesterday and now he's texting me and-"

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