chapter 07. friendly

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Since we ordered, there never seemed to be a lull in the conversation, and I was suprised to find that it wasn't awkward at all to be eating with four boys that I had basically just met. While we were eating, I learned that the band was set to tour in a couple months, and Mikey was devastated when he discovered that I didn't know any 5sos songs. I quickly promised to check them out later, in which he suggested The Only Reason.

"It's the best one since I wrote it," He had told me seriously before shoving a slice of pizza in his mouth, nearly choking when Calum and Luke hit him in the stomach simultaneously.

Luckily, Michael didn't need the Heimlich Manoeuvre and the rest of the meal was fairly peaceful, due to the fact that the food was disappearing quickly. In the back of mind, I vaguely wondered how much all the food cost and how it was going to get paid, but the answer to that question was clear when I came back from the bathroom.

"What happened to the bill?" I asked, roaming around in my pocket for my money. "Here I have, um, I have this-"

Ashton pushed away the embarrassing handful of five dollar bills I shoved in his face with a laugh.

"Julia, it's already all paid for." Calum chuckled as he looked at me from where he was throwing out his Coke. "Don't worry about it."

I was, in fact, worrying about it.

"Guys seriously, I can't let you keep paying for stuff. We literally just met and Ashton already said he was going to buy me a new phone, and now you paid for my food and wow, that's horrible manners-" I paused as I saw that all the boys were staring at me, amused at my rambling and not taking in anything I was saying. "I don't want to be a charity case." I sighed.

"It's no big deal." Mikey spoke casually, "You can just pay us back in sexual favors."

There was a beat of silence as I stared at him in horror, and out of the corner of my eye I could see Ashton clenching and unclenching his hands before stuffing them in his pockets.

It was only when Calum snorted and Luke erupted into laughter that I realized Michael was only joking.

"Ha, my stomach hurts from laughing so hard." I deadpanned.

These boys were going to be the death of me.


"You have now arrived at the 5sos house," Calum announced monotonously, turning around from the passenger seat to speak into a pretend microphone. "Thank you for flying with Irwin Airlines. Have a nice day."

He laughed, breaking his serious demeanour as he hopped out of the car with Luke and Michael, Ashton and I trailing along behind them.

As we walked in I could almost feel my jaw drop as I surveyed the house. From the outside it looked like your average house, with large windows and dark grey brick. The inside was a completely different story. There was a bit of clutter, but also a certain neatness to the place. Game controllers were lying around in the most random places, but a stack of Xbox games were carefully positioned in a shelf. Stuffed animals were everywhere from huge teddy bears to tiny dragons, and an inflatable banana was propped in the corner of the wall.

Ashton turned around with a shy smile on his face. "Sorry if the place is a bit of a mess. It's one house and four boys, things get a little wild."

Laughter could be heard from the kitchen where Luke, Michael and Calum were. Ashton led me towards the noise, where we found Mikey sitting at an island with a bowl of chips, arguing with Luke over what to watch. Calum looked bored, like he'd been through the routine many times before. I wouldn't have been surprised.

"Can we please just watch Mean Girls this one time?" Luke pleaded, looking exasperated with Michael's blatant refusal.

Calum hopped onto a counter and popped a grape into his mouth, stroking his chin as if he were actually considering Luke's suggestion. "For the last time, nobody likes Mean Girls, only you." he then turned to me with a smirk. "Julia, do you like Mean Girls?"

Like everyone, I'm sure I had seen the movie at least five times, but it wasn't one of my favourites. I shook my head, shooting Luke an apologetic smile as Calum grinned, clearly pleased with my answer. "We're watching something with a little more action then."

"Dick," Luke muttered under his breath, which only made Calum laugh.

"Okay so we're watching Will Smith, Men In Black 3?" Mikey asked, his mouth full of chips. His question was met with cheers from the boys, even Luke. They were dead set on watching a Will Smith movie, which made me very curious.

"What is this? Some sort of Will Smith fan club?"

"How can you demote us to fan club? We're farther up than that, more like groupies." Calum stated with a serious face.

Mikey also piped in. "Groupies is even too low for us, we're brothers from different mothers."

I was trying so hard not to laugh that I could feel the tension building in the pit of my stomach. I turned to Ashton, still trying to regulate my breathing and asked, "Are you serious?"

"We've never been more serious about anything. It's not an obsession, it's dedication," he winked before walking into the living room, which was connected to the kitchen by an archway. The rest of the boys grabbed all sorts of food and followed him.

Ash and Cal sat on the couch, but Luke and Michael opted to sit on the floor in front of them. I took a seat on the couch beside Ash, but just as Calum was about to start the movie, Luke and Mikey began to bicker.

"I'm not sharing a bowl of crisps if you're just gonna sprinkle all your crumbs back into the bowl," Luke complained, narrowing his eyes at Mikey.

"Excuse a guy for trying to savour all of his crisps! Whatever Hemmings, get your own bowl." Michael huffed, pulling the bowl onto his lap and continuing to stuff his face with chips. He made sure to slowly sprinkle the crumbs off his fingers in front of Luke.

Calum wasn't putting up with the guys and shouted, "Can we start the damn movie now?"

Luke glared at mikey before nodding his head and turning to face the screen. Ashton leaned closer and softly whispered in my ear. "Watch, in a second Luke will storm off to get his own bowl."

The feel of his voice against my neck sent a wave of shivers down my back, but I quickly shook them off. As Ashton predicted, Luke stormed off during the opening credits to get his own bowl.

We watched the movie for about 15 minutes in silence before Ashton turned to whisper to me again. "I forgot to even ask if you were even cool with watching this movie." he looked at me apologetically.

This time i was able to keep myself together and avoid another round of shivers.

"It's alright, I'm down for any type of movie." I whispered back, keeping my eyes glued to the screen. I wasn't lying. I liked to watch all types of movies, as long as they didn't end up making me fall asleep. From what we watched so far, I gathered that it was an action movie and I wouldn't have any problems paying attention.

However, halfway through I found myself dozing off at times. So much happened today and I was seriously exhausted. I thought that maybe if I rested my eyes a bit it would all be fine and I would be able to continue watching the movie, but that didn't turn out too well. Once I closed my eyes, I could feel myself falling into a deep sleep. The last thing I remembered thinking was that I was completely screwed.


hi i updated in time yay surprise woohoo

okay i have to go learn stuff in school now ugh but yes this is dedicated to ukuleluke bc she always comments on every chapter + she's great ily

remember to comment if you ship jashton, i always dedicate chapters to people who comment funny or nice things so ahem x

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