chapter 06. hungry

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I tentatively followed Ashton and Calum into a quaint little diner, realizing that I had passed by it earlier today but never noticed. The place had an older, 1950's theme to it, with checkered tiles lining the floors and wooden booths with leather seating. 

As we approached a table by the back, I recognized that the two other boys who occupied one side of the booth were the ones Ashton had briefly pointed out to me in the club. Up close, I noticed that the blonde one had a lip ring and hair styled up in a quiff, while the other had messy dark purple hair that I had sworn was bright red beforehand. They both shared a look as we arrived, and Calum slid into the booth as Ashton turned to face me.

"Over here is Luke-" he gestured to the blonde, who gave me a short smile. "-and that's Michael, but we call him Mikey usually." The boy with the purple hair gave me a wave.

"Don't get used to Mikey's hair. He dyes it all the time and we're all wondering why he's not bald yet." Calum laughed, causing the rest of the boys, excluding Mikey, to chuckle. That explained the reason I believed he had red hair. Michael narrowed his eyes before elbowing Calum hard in the stomach.

"Asshole," Michael chuckled, shaking his head in satisfaction.

"What's with everyone hitting me today? I'm a fragile boy, dammit." Calum pouted, rubbing his stomach.

Ashton slid into the booth, giggling at his friends, and I sat down next to him, putting a good, safe distance between the two of us before introducing myself.

"Um, I'm Julia, a friend of Asht-"

At the mention of the word friend, all three boys snickered but quickly stopped when Ashton shot them a glare. Silence enveloped the table as I sat there, confused about what had just happened, but Ashton quickly grabbed a menu from a rack beside the window and held it out for me to take, causing the other boys to start talking to each other and do the same.

"Order anything you like, it's on me." he spoke as he scanned his own menu.

"You'll be lucky if your food even fits on the table," Luke laughed, peeking up over the top of his menu. "We order a shit ton of food."

Well, that was going to be a problem because if I had it my way, I was sure that my food would have taken up at least half the table. Whoever came up with the notion that girls weren't supposed to eat as much as guys was an idiot. As I examined the menu of pizza, burgers, fries, hot dogs, pasta and way too many of my favorite foods, it dawned on me that I might end up eating more than the rest of the boys at the table.

"There's so much to choose from; I can see why you guys end up ordering a lot," I commented after thoroughly examining the selection. "I mean, pizza sounds good, and so does a cheeseburger, but what's a burger without a whole plate of fries and some chicken strips?" I rambled rhetorically. I was getting way too excited about the concept of food that it could've been considered gluttonous.

"You might wanna slow down there before we end up ordering the whole menu," Ashton laughed, nudging me with his shoulder. My cheeks flamed and I closed my mouth abruptly, effectively cutting off my embarrassing rant.

"Let her speak, she's got a good point," Calum cut in. "I'm dying for a cheeseburger, or three, but they've got those nasty pickles on them, lil' fuckers." He wrinkled his nose and his bottom lip pushed out in a pout.

At his mention of pickles, I thought of Rachel and my heart hurt a little. She never liked pickles on her cheeseburgers either and ended up picking them off distastefully.

"Whoever came up with the idea of adding pickles to burgers better watch out, because I'm gonna find that dick and slap him in the face with a pickle." she once muttered to me passionately.

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