T W E N T Y - T W O

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✘The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from the enemies✘


Seoul, Korea

"Tonight, twelve am is when the plan goes down. If anything goes wrong I swear to the fucking heavens above I will decapitate you all" The boss threatened all of his men, he needed to end Jiyeon and M.G.

He did warn Jiyeon that she had one week left, she obviously didn't clock on, on what he meant which was good cause now the plan will go on.

Before when Jiyeon was on C9's side, she told him the location of M.G, so he took it as an advantage to come up with a plan to take down M.G himself because a bitch who goes by the name of Kwon Sulli (Kim Jiyeon) couldn't do it herself.

"Boss, you do know that China line of C9 has all the weapons and bombs that were going to be ready for us to take but M.G did invade it and basically blew up the company killing everyone in there...? You know... we will loose" One of the men in the room says to the boss, completely confused on how C9 will win a fight against M.G if they have no weapons.

"That's where you are wrong" He smirked "They blew up the weapons which were in the process of making, not the weapons or bombs which were made. I knew they were going to invade the company that's why I got the strongest and most skilled of my Chinese men to get to Korea yesterday, I left the ones which I didn't care about in China, to die" his smirk got wider and more antagonistic.

Everyone who was in the room eyes widened, they thought that reason he got the men from China to come here way to deliver the ready-made weapons and bombs, not for this mission tonight. They felt bad, leaving the ones who they truly cared about to die.

Guilt was eating them up inside, they have never once felt guilty or even cared about people dying, they have killed hundreds and maybe thousands of people but never once felt anything about it.

Everyone in the room knew the plan was going to fail, they took down the China unit and there were a lot of people who were strong who didn't come to Korea and they died.

They were only eight members of M.G vs about a thousand of the China unit but they won.

The boss of C9 is like YG when the company came out till 2008 they were one of the best companies out there. YG knew how to look after its artists and C9 knew how to make sure that their agents were safe.

Over the years they wanted money and power and didn't care about the people who worked for them. They would do anything just to get to the top but that caused their companies to corrupt.

C9 couldn't wait for the fact that tonight is when the raid goes that, he wanted to end everyone is M.G especially Jiyeon. He despised her more than the top four.

"What happens if the plan does fail?" One of the men asks.

"I'll kill you," the boss said seriously "our main goal is to make sure Jiyeon is wiped out, then the top four." He leaned back on his desk, crossing his arms "we know that the top four doesn't know who Jiyeon truly is, so we will tell them something, something that will make sure they want to kill Jiyeon, make sure she is dead" the head let out one of the most maniacal laughs in the world.

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