Chapter Four: Allies Perhaps

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"The Queen has not officially welcomed you to court," Anne noted, she glanced behind her at their ladies knowing that her words would not be repeated as she trusted them so. 

Katherine held no love for her especially given the fact that Anne was the one that the King was set upon marrying; she doubted that Clarice had gotten a friendly welcome. 

France and Spain were known enemies and the fact that the Emperor had invaded Rome would not have helped matters; there was no way that she would have come here to offer support to a woman that had caused her so much grief and family trouble.

Making no comment on what Anne had said, Clarice was aware that the Queen's frosty reception of her arrival had not gone unnoticed; relations between their countries had never been smooth but she had at least expected some form of acknowledgement. 

"Given our history, I would like to propose an alliance," Anne continued softly, she lowered her voice as she spoke not wanting her words to be repeated to anyone; she wanted to make an offering on her own. 

There was no doubt in her mind that her father and uncle would be displeased if they knew what she was doing; they were convinced that Clarice was here as a spy for the Pope. 

The man had delayed long enough in giving the King what he desired and Anne feared that this would continue wasting away the years in which she might give the King the son that he desired. 

"We have enemies here at court. Those who would wish to see us both brought down," Anne continued taking note of the surprise on Clarice's face, her offer did seem like a strange one and she was sure that it wasn't what Clarice had been expecting. 

If Anne had truly wished it then she would have made an enemy out of the Medici woman, ignored her as Katherine had done and continued on with her life as if they were mere strangers. 

She had watched Clarice since she arrived and had noticed that no one had approached her since she arrived; she was all but ignored and even the normal ambassadors were welcomed better. 

"An alliance?" Clarice questioned not sure what to make of such an idea, she had been sent to bring down Anne and put a stop to the King's divorce by putting herself in his way. 

It stuck with her that it was Anne offering to help her when it was Katherine that she had been sent to help by interfering with Anne's relationship with the King. 

Clarice had vowed that she would not act against her conscious; she was determined to keep that vow and she knew that allying herself with Anne might be a wise move. 

There was no telling just how long she might be here, Clement would likely not recall her home anytime soon and given her reception so far; she doubted that it would get any better especially if things went south. 

Clarice was defenceless here if things did not go the way the King wanted with the King of France or the Pope; she was trapped in a situation that she could not escape like an ambassador could. 

"Of course, we women must always watch each other's backs," Anne explained with a smile, she knew that she had very few people that she trusted.

Since her rise in court people had flocked to her side and Anne knew that they would just as easily turn on her should this fall apart and she found herself casted aside in favour of Katherine. 

The woman was a thorn in her side and her refusal to simply retire to a convent was making the situation even more difficult than it needed to be; she could make this so much easier on everyone and herself if she just did as the King commanded of her. 

The Emperor would continue to defend his aunt and his sack on Rome provided that he would do anything that he could to make sure that one of his relatives stayed on the English throne. 

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