You Gotta Be Shittin Me

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"Oh you gotta be shittin me." Annabelle hissed.

Clint still has his bow aimed at Randal.

"This better be some sick joke kid." Clint growled.

"Let me explain." Randal pleases.

"Explain what? That you've been a Hydra agent this whole time and dated my niece to get inside information?" Clint questioned.

"Yes I'm a Hydra agent-or was. This was supposed to be my last mission."

"Last mission how?" She questioned.

"I was gonna leave Hydra and start a new life with Annabelle. I didn't want to put her in harms way-"

Randal glances back at Annabelle. Her hands are clenched so hard they're shaking. Randal holds his hand out trying to calm her down.

"Annabelle-baby...let me explain."

"Explain?! Explain what?" She gets in Randal's face. "That you were only with me so you could get to my father? Lying to me for almost five years? Using me to your advantage?!"

"Annabelle I know I lied to you, but lied to me too."

"I did it to protect you!" Annabelle shouted

"I wanted to protect you too!" He shouted back.

Their words echo through the hallway. Clint isn't sure what to say or do. He just stands there ready to grab Annabelle if she tries to kill him or vice versa.

"Did you really love me?" Her voice cracked.

Randal is shocked by the question.

"Of course. That's why I pro-"

An eerie growl rings through the hallway. The sound of rumbling footsteps rattle the floors. Clint grabs Annabelle and Randal and drags them into the security room and shuts the door.

"Look I know you two are probably ready to have a shouting match, but can we figure out what the fuck that noise was?!" Clint pleaded.

"...I will try my best to not stab him." Annabelle buries her anger for now.

Randal takes a small step back and nods his head.

"Thank you. Now you Eli-Randal whatever the fuck you call yourself what is this place and what is it for?" Clint questioned.

"This place was a testing facility. Not weapons, but human experiments. Last time we heard from this base they were trying out a a super human serum mixed with that giant green guys blood. Judging from the state of this place that didn't go well. We received a distress signal from here a few days ago. The orders were to exterminate the abomination, then clean up the mess it's caused."

"Was that the abomination that was screaming just now?" Annabelle questioned.

"Most likely, yes."

"Is there more than one?" Clint questioned.

"At first we had about ten people lined up. Then those failed and we brought them about fifty more. All but one was a least it was until we got then shit went sideways."
Randal sits down on the floor and holds his head. Clint kneels down while Annabelle stands with her arms crossed.
"God they sounded terrified." Randal confessed.

"So why are there dead bodies that look like some animal ate them?" Clint questioned.

"That's part of the reason why my...former squad and I came out here. The experiment was to create a Hulk-like super solider. It would never get tired, need sleep or need to eat food."

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