I Missed You (A Sherlock Inspired Poem)

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I hope I can find my heart again,

You delicate, terrifying being,

It's been hidden away.

Your death is all I see.

Locked up in a little box,

It makes me forget to breathe.

Buried in the closet,

The blood dripping from fading lips,

Under coats, hats, boots?

As you fell from the building.

Maybe it isn't in this closet? 

Your face was bruised and twisted,

Possibly under the bed?

I was wishing you weren't truly gone.

The covers pulled away to reveal only dust bunnies.

My heart truly ran away with you that day.

And then, a knock at the door.

It was ripped from my chest by your cold hand.

I open it, to see you standing there.

You weren't gone?

You pulled me in for a hug.

I never thought I'd see you again.

I guess I found my heart again.

It was with you, just where I left it.

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