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Like a gem in the sky

on cold Winter's night,

Your beauty is fleeting.

From the softest pink lips,

spill stories of terrible events.

You've been beaten and bruised

Verbally and mentally.

Scars line your heart.

Scars line your wrist.

Just know, sweet darling,

if you need help I'll come.

All you have to do is whisper my name,

I'll come to dry your tears.

I'll make the pain go away,

you just have to call.

Beauty is a lie,

like the smile on your face.

I can see it in your eyes,

you know you don't belong in this place.

You wish for a way out,

or a way to fit in.

Scars line your mind.

Scars line your thighs.

Just know, sweet darling,

if you need help I'll come.

All you have to do is scream for me,

I'll come to dry your tears.

I'll make the pain go away,

You just have to call;

I'm only a call away.

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