Past The Horizon

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Sunlight streaks over the murky waters of the roaring ocean.

The tides pull pebbles and bits of sand against their will;

the crashing sounds are really their sighs.

Another trip around the world,

Only to broken down farther and further,

Weathered past the point of return.

Sand crabs scuttle around the beach,

Searching for their supper.

Birds soar across their sky,

On their last trip of the night.

Lights start to shine on the boardwalk.

Shops, and the large Ferris wheel, are

Brilliant against the starless night sky.

Laughter rolls off the decks and into the sand,

Getting ready to be carried off in the water-

Carried off to another land.

Pennies fall between the cracks in the wood,

And a slight breeze carries the scent of sweets past the bobbing heads.

The sea continues its thrashing long into the night.

Past the time the lights shut off.

Past the bedtimes of the able drinkers.

Past the knowing.

Past the horizon.

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