Yellow In A Sea Of Grey

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Society is the newest method for hopeless.

Everyone is lost is the beat of honking cars.

Everyone idles on the road to tap along to a tune they never could have created.

Something they wish was pre-recorded in their minds,

and as they continue on they seem to forget

that everyone one of their neighbors has their own beat that's similar,

but so different that it isn't familiar.

Each and every voice is the same color to the deaf man.


Each and every shade of skin is the same to the blind man.


They should be more like the people who have to trust others to be their senses.

The ones who can't see why you discriminate.

The ones that can't hear why you discriminate.

The ones who feel with their hearts and not their minds.

The ones who see with their souls and not their eyes.

Learning is key,

but not if they're learning how to hurt.

Be gentle with the beasts we call humans.

They are the most ugly, twisted;

Most beautiful and caring creatures you'll ever seen.

Some of their hearts beat to a completely new tune;

The yellow child in a sea of greys.

These are the ones that change the world,

That make the greys able to live their idle lives,

tapping out the yellow's beat on their steering wheels,

because their wishfully pre-recorded one became extinct.

A new tune took over,

and lodged itself in their minds,

but only until the next yellow comes along

and yet again changes the times.

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