"How long have I been out?"

"Three days. There will be a banquet in honor of the pirates, yes of all things pirates, who helped save our daughter. We will announce it there. I've had you readied as you slept. An old friend is waiting outside the door for you. We needed you to be here for this, once it's over, it's best we put you back to sleep. We don't know how to stop the curse, but the enchanted sleep slows it progress."

Reedrick lifted up his sleeve. The marking hadn't flowed down to his hands yet. "Doesn't this curse cause madness and thirst for blood?"

Sabhira nodded. "It does. That's why we're trying-"

"Then I must rescind the throne."

Sabhira froze. "What?"

"If I'm going to lose my mind I do not belong on it any more."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying we will need a coronation ceremony."

Sabhira took a long measured breaths and nodded. "They're official wedding is a few days away. Perhaps we should do both?"

"If everyone will be here then yes. No sense wasting the time, especially because mine seems very limited."

"Do not say such things." Sabhira hissed. "I will not let you leave me alone in this sunny Seelie kingdom." She'd missed the gloom of the overcast of her own home kingdom and had teased Reedrick that if she had to be in the bright sunlight he had to be her shade when it got too bright. He'd happily obliged all those years ago. "You still have much to do and I am not doing everything for you."

Reedrick smiled and brushed the tear that Sabhira wouldn't let fall. "My beautiful, strong wife. Always telling me what to do."

"Someone has to."

Reedrick pulled Sabhira close and kissed the top of her head. He held her close for a long moment and he didn't acknowledge the fact that she was crying. She kept her emotions to herself except with him. When she'd settled, he lifted her face to his. He kissed her forehead, then the tip of her nose, then gently on her lips. "Who else but you?" Reedrick promised. "Now, you said someone is here for me?"

"I cashed in most of my favors for you, my love." Sabhira assured. She stood and left the room.

A moment later a face Reedrick could never forget entered and closed the door behind him. "Reedrick , my friend!" He grinned. He was tall and ruggedly handsome. The slight tint of green to his skin was unmistakable. "Don't you look a fright."

"Puck?" Reedrick was startled. "Do I rank so highly now?"

"You do if you're in your situation." Puck grinned. He sat behind Reedrick's desk and put his feet atop the desk, legs crossed at the ankles. Strangely enough the legs resembled that of a deer. "Your wife helped me a long time ago, I'd be crazy not to repay such a debt. Not to mention, if it's as we fear I cannot sit idle. It is my duty to assist. Congratulations are in order I hear?"


"Your daughter and her husband."

Reedrick nodded. "I haven't met the man yet, but if Bira approves I imagine it'll be a good match."

"I know the lad."

"You do? How?"

Puck gave a knowing smile. "Who don't I know?" He teased before his face matched the seriousness of his tone. "He's powerful. His power lies dormant, he's one of my kind, but not. He doesn't know corruption and his spirit is effervescent. He is a man meant for a throne."

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