"Is it?"

"Do as I've said." Aisling dismissed. "I'll be going now. Three is a crowd after all. Oh Tritos, wouldn't you agree? I simply abhor the number three. It's just so useless, so spare."

Ash felt Tritos's anger swirling around him and gulped.

"Good day, Aisling. I'm sure there's a nice hole you could be crawling back into."

"Don't forget me." Aisling blew him a kiss before she slunk back out into the darkness.

"What was that about?"

"Nothing that concerns you." Tritos growled, his already foul mood amplified. "Let's finish here."

Ash nodded and made his way back to the house. Ash went back to the back door but Tritos barred him with his arm. "This is your house, you should use the front door."

"I shouldn't." Ash shook his head.

"You should and you shall." Tritos watched the color drain from Ash's face. "Go now."

"But they'll -"

"Now." Tritos repeated, his tone was militant and gave no room for argument. It was his general's voice.

With shaking hands Ash opened the front door and he cringed as it creaked.

"Who's there?" Portia called out, her voice venomous. Ash crept in and came into view first. "You! You foul, loathsome wretched -" Portia paused when Tritos came into view, his crown catching her eye. She knew in an instant what he was and her mask slid into place. "Your highness? Majesty? Forgive me." Portia curtseyed low. "If I had known you would bless us, I would have prepared all the best of everything. Boy, go now start preparing a feast for our guests." Portia hissed.

Tritos put a steadying hand on Ash's shoulder before he could bolt into action. "He'll do no such thing."

"My lord, has he offended you? Please, let us make the situation right. He's my poor late husband's son from a previous marriage. He's a bit slow in the head you see, we take care of him but it is difficult."

"You dare lie to me." Tritos fumed. "You are the worst kind of mortal." Tritos walked into the smoky kitchen. Whatever had been in the oven was burnt black. Ash had never seen Amos or Hudson cower. He would have thought it would bring him satisfaction, instead it was a bitter taste on his tongue.

"Please, don't frighten them." Ash asked softly. Tritos quirked an eyebrow.

"Serves them right. We don't speak to our swine the way you have spoken of and to this lad. And yet here he is trying to protect you. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't curse you all into a form more suited to your behavior."

"Please!" Portia fell to her knees and prostrated herself, face to the floor, his step-brothers and Blythe did the same huddled together on the floor. Tears were already streaming down their faces.

"Don't do this." Ash softly begged. "They're cruel, but please don't do this to them."

Tritos enjoyed every moment of their fear. "I should turn the lot of you into swine or mice for at least a year."

"Please!" Ash's heart broke as he saw Blythe cowering. "Please don't hurt them!" she cried.

Tritos noticed Ash's change when he looked at the girl. Tritos gave an approving nod and Ash opened his arms. Blythe launched herself into his arms. Ash hugged her tight and murmured soothing words in her ear. He assured her that she'd be safe, he had her and wouldn't let any harm come to her.

"Watch your words." Tritos warned. "The rest of you, rise." Tritos watched the sniveling cowards get to shaky feet. "I do not like what I have seen so far. You better hope I like the rest of what I see." Tritos turned back to Ash. "This boy has been of great service to the crown as such he is being rewarded. There will be ten of the palace's staff sent here to assist in what were his duties. He is required elsewhere. Where is his room?" Tritos asked, knowing full well that loft in the stables served as Ash's quarters. Ash paled and so did his family.

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