Reedrick nodded. "That may ruffle some feathers."

"Perhaps. But it's better than blood on my hands." Kamya decided. "We don't have to say exactly what our plan is either. We just have to announce it and figure it out from there. Would you and mother help me?"

"Of course. And if he's not of noble birth, he can always be a king consort with no real power. It's a good idea." Reedrick nodded. "And if he proves himself worthy we and revisit the balance of power down the road. Just be gentle and diplomatic and make it through this week. You can do this. My daughter is nothing if not diplomatic and poised." Reederick smiled. He rose from behind his desk. "Prince Tritos will be waiting for you. I'm sure he'll find you once you leave here. Take your time."

Reedrick gave her shoulder a comforting squeeze before he left her alone with her thoughts. A smile stretched across her lips. She had a solution. She would be able to secure her position to rule her people while keeping them safe all the while. Kamya sat back and let out an excited giggle. She stood and went to the massive window in her father's study. It overlooked the palace grounds and the capital city that surrounded below. Thousands of people lived in the Capital alone, nearly half a million throughout her great country of Albion.

They were a peaceful country. They had a small army and navy, most of which were employed in the royal guard. Albion had done everything in her power to avoid being drawn into the wars. Having a large armed force implied threat and danger. There was a nationwide police force, but crime was minimal. They were a country of abundance and there were opportunities for everyone that wanted one. Her father had enough foresight to know how to keep the people industrious. Reedrick had the radical idea of ownership in his kingdom, a fact many others mocked him for. Everyone was given the same opportunity some capitalized, some didn't. The ones who did usually employed those who didn't. When your people aren't starving, there's little reason to steal.

Kamya pursed her lips to stop herself from smiling. She'd done it. Still, she didn't want to give her hand away. She wanted to be the example her station needed her to be. She took a deep breath and let the relief wash over her. She could save her people and now had her father's blessing to do so.

With schooled features Kamya abandoned her hiding spot in the study and went to find her ladies of the court. She knew they reported back to their own respective countries and leaders and she was fine with it. She had ladies from both Seelie and Unseelie aligned courts. She preferred it that way. She understood the way it benefitted her when both sides of the courts had stories that matched. Some were sent to learn the ways of court, while others were political refugees sent to Albion for his neutrality.

"Your Highness," Piped in Opaline Frost. She was a petit, fair skinned child, a political refugee from a war torn country. "What do you think of your handsome suitor?" She giggled, and it endeared Kamya to her. The sweet, innocent young girl was one that Kamya had taken a liking to.

"He is handsome indeed." Kamya dodged with a light blush and a fluttering of eyelashes.

"So, do you think you'll accept his proposal?"

"I'm not sure yet. Marriage treaties are serious business and I have to be sure."

"Do you want to accept it?" chimed another lady.

"Honestly ladies," Kamya chastised with a coy smile. "We all know my feelings matter very little in a matter such as this. Our noble births mean we are entitled to privilege, but also responsibility. We marry for the benefit of our people, and whoever is best for my country is best for me. If that turns out to be Prince Tritos, it's Prince Tritos, if it's not, I don't want to be too heartbroken." Kamya alluded.

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