Chapter 21: Help me..!

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Alex's POV

This might seem a little dense, but I have been ignoring Neal for a couple days. Every time he tries to talk to me, I use lame excuses to get away from him. He tries texting me and calling me, but I just ignore those. Even Aodhan is trying to get me to talk to Neal. ​

I just can't... No matter how badly I want to talk to him, my anxiety won't let me. When I see his name pop up on my phone, I just stare at it as my breathing picks up and my head spins. ​

Neal and I do live in the same dorm room, so it's been a little challenging. I would spend most of my time on the bleachers, but only when Neal wasn't at soccer practice. When he was at practice, I would be at the dorm. ​

So like I have said, it's been a couple days since I saw him in the cafeteria kissing another girl.  And as of right now, I am heading to my math class. And I have to sit next to Neal... Joy. Much joy.​

I walked into the classroom and glanced to my seat to see someone sitting in it. At first I thought it was Neal, but when I got a closer look, I didn't see blonde hair. I saw a pale brown color. There's only one person I know with that color...​

"T-Tyler... That's my seat." I kept my eyes down, looking at my shoes. ​

Tyler Hope. He is the co-captain of the soccer team. He is a major jerk to certain people, including me, but he doesn't show it to anyone else. All the girls in the school fall for him because of his skills and smarts... He also happens to be my ex-boyfriend....

Tyler looked at me, then at the desk. "Oh. I didn't even realize. I just wanted to talk to Vincent. But it looks like he isn't here yet. Do you know where he could be, Babe?"

My eyes snapped up to Tyler's. "Pl-please don't call me that..."​

Tyler stood up and got really close to me. I backed away from him, but I bumped into another desk. He's cornered me.​

He smiled as he leaned forward and placed a kiss on my forehead. I flinched as he made contact. His hands rested on my hips, "Do you know where Vincent is, Babe?"​

Not knowing where Neal was, I shook my head and held my hands close to my chest. Tyler probably didn't like the fact that I was staying silent, so he pulled my hips closer to his. Close enough that our uhh...our lower halves were touching. ​

My hands moved up to cover my mouth, to stop myself from making a noise. I tried to move away from Tyler, but the desk behind me didn't make my movements any better. ​

Glancing around the room, I noticed that no one was looking our way. I could've caused attention to what Tyler was doing. To finally stop him. But I'm not one to bring attention to myself. I hate it when people start to judge me or pester me if I'm okay.​

Feeling something gliding down my back, my attention was brought back to Tyler's actions. His right hand was rested on my butt, squeezing it slightly. He lowered his face into my neck, kissing it slowly.​

My voice wavered, "T-Tyler... Stop it right now please." When I placed my hands on his chest to push him away, he hummed.​

"Why don't we go to the male's private bathroom, lock the door, and have some fun? That's what you want, right Babe?" Tyler took a step back and grabbed my wrists. He started to pull me towards the classroom door. ​

I tried getting out of his hold countless times, but he was too strong. Or I'm just really weak... He dragged me out the door and into the still crowded hallway. ​

"If you keep struggling like that, you will only cause attention to yourself. And I know how much you love that." He kept his focus ahead, but I could see that stupid smirk on his stupid face. ​

I gave in, accepting my fate. Keeping my head low, my eyes landed on Tyler's hand around my wrist. This is how it always was. Ever since freshmen year, Tyler still thinks I can be his toy... His stress reliever. His punching bag... I have so many scars and bruises from this jerk. ​

But he just won't go away.

A weight hit my shoulder, sending my body back a little. I looked up at who bumped into me and I saw blonde hair and bright green eyes. ​

"Neal..." I whispered with disbelief and wide eyes. ​

He looked me up and down then quickly glanced to Tyler's back. Tyler was still moving forward, unaware of who I bumped into. ​

Neal looked back to me and I gave him a look. A look that was screaming, 'Help me'. ​

Tyler tugged on my wrist, almost making me trip. My head turned back to Neal to see him still standing there. Staring at me with a look of concern. I could feel tears in my eyes as we kept moving. People blocked my vision of Neal, and soon enough, I lost sight of him.​

After a couple different hallways, Tyler lead us down to where the private roomed bathrooms were located. He opened the door to the male's room and dragged me inside. Closing and locking the door behind himself. ​

He turned to me and got close. Touching my sides and moving down to my hips then behind to my butt. ​

"We are going to have so much fun, Babe. We haven't done this for a couple months, so you have a lot to make up for." He leaned in and kissed my neck. ​

I turned my face away as he started to undo my uniform's tie. Hopefully, this will go by fast so that I can just go back home. Hopefully...​


Yay! An update finally! 

Sorry about a month+ break... school just started for us so more chapters might be on the way..? We don't really know what our plan for this story is yet...

But thank you for waiting,

-Draw & Fern

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