Chapter 16: Friends and Foes

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Neal's POV

After leaving the dorm I immediately started to scold myself. I couldn't believe that I had kissed him. His lips were so soft and plump; it took everything in me to pull away when I did. I couldn't help but think that I had done something wrong and that Alex was then hating me.​

I opened the school's main door with a deep scowl and trudged through the halls. I wanted to calm myself down and to do that, I would need to run so I headed for the gym. No one was at school yet, so the halls were eerily quiet.

Finally, I had stumbled upon the gym. I quickly opened the large wooden doors and to my surprise Aodhan was hunched over on his knees in the middle of the large room. I could hear faint sobs coming from him, like I said before I am terrible with crying people, so I was tempted to leave until his sobs became more pained. Sighing lowly I made my way over to Aodhan and sat down next to him. He quickly sat up and looked at me. He had a large purple and red bruise surrounding his right eye. ​

"Damn, that's a big bruise, what happened?" I asked in a quiet voice. ​

"I don't know you very well, but I trust you to not laugh at me," He breathed in shakily then continued "A group of popular kids singled me out this morning when I went to get breakfast in the cafeteria. I haven't found my soul-mate although they of course all have found theirs, so they like to rub it in my face. They went too far with their crude insults, so I insulted them back and one of the boys punched me. I left just before the teachers got there. I hate the fact that they can rub my loneliness in my face. I get it. I don't have the luxuries they do..!"​

What he had told me made my blood boil. I hated when I heard of people being bullied so I tried to comfort him "You're barely sixteen, it's totally normal for you to not yet have found your soul-mate. Hell, I'm eight-teen and I'm barely getting my visions."​

He looked at me surprised then laughed, "Thanks for trying to comfort me, no offence though you kind of suck at it." ​

I smiled when a large smile broke out across Aodhan's face. He ran a hand through his tangled, curly, sandy blonde hair. He sighed then wiped away his stray tears.

Unexpectedly the gym doors burst open and laughter echoed through the room. Aodhan shot up, nervousness clouded his stormy grey eyes. Three boys around his age walked in. I, nonchalantly, stood next to Aodhan. The boys ignored us until they were standing right in front of us. ​

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the soulless boy who's not man enough to have a mate," the first boy sneered at Aodhan. ​

Luck was on my side seeing as I would be able to cool off some steam but not by running. I smirked darkly "If anyone in this room is soulless it sure as hell isn't him, mate," I thickened my accent for the last part making it obvious that I was pissed.​

I stood at my full height then, easily towering above them with my 5'10" stature. I had all their attention, including Aodhan's who was gawking at me. The first boy who I had now figured out was the "leader" came up to me.​

"Are you suggesting that you are soulless or that you don't have a mate, mate," He did a very poor job at imitating my accent which made my anger thicken.​

"What if I said both?" I loved toying with people like this.​

"If you didn't have a soul-mate then I would call you a pu*** and a looser. Then I would have to publicly embarrass you by beating you in a fight," He seemed so sure that his puny stature would be able to best me. ​

"Well I don't have time to fight you after school and no one is here to see my demise, so you are now in a dilemma."​

"Right now works for me seeing as I've already texted more than half of the school," After he said that the doors opened once more, a herd of kids flooded around us.​

"What the..?" I questioned. How did they get there that fast..?

Aodhan pulled me aside then spoke quietly in my ear "You don't have to fight for me, and I really don't want you getting hurt because of me." ​

"Don't worry, I want to fight him, and I won't get hurt."​

He looked unsure and hesitant but soon the crowd enveloped him leaving the bully and I in the middle. ​

"What's your name kid?" I asked with a smirk.​

"Don't call me kid, and my name's Blake Wilson."​

"Wait, are you by chance Darren's little brother? The one with the stutter?" I had made the connection when he told me his last name, although I couldn't believe that he could possibly be related to Darren. The two boys couldn't be more opposites. ​

"Enough talking, come here and I'll prove who owns this school," I could tell that he was trying to change the subject by bringing my focus back to the fight.​

"Alright kid let's get this over with so that I can go back to sulking," I reminded myself that Alex most defiantly hated my guts and all I wanted to do was get on with my miserable day. ​

He looked confused at my previous statement but soon forgot it when he realized that I had called him kid again.

He circled me once then lunged. The crowed stood in awe when I easily dodged him. Blake turned to face me once more but this time he was scowling.

After a few minutes of me dodging him and him swearing at me, he stopped and looked at me dead in the face.​

"You know, you have to be the biggest dip-shit if you have to go and sulk, or maybe you did something to your girlfriend and now she hates your stupid ass. I bet she hates you so much that now she'll never talk to you again and you'll get ignored by her day after day," I stopped dead in my tracks at his words. Yes, he got a few details wrong, but it still hurt when he said those things.​

I was so dazed that I barely noticed when he knocked me to the ground. Sudden realization washed over me when he threw the first punch at my face. My adrenaline levels flew through the roof as I rolled our entangled bodies over so that I was straddling him.

It felt as though I had no control over my body. I punched him heedlessly in the face, blood was dripping from his nose and he had probably passed out after the first three punches. I felt as though I couldn't stop not until I felt a small hand rested shakily on my shoulder.

Immediately I stopped, then got off a poor bloodied Blake. ​

The crowd around us was silent and everyone was staring at me in shock, they were staring at someone behind me. Slowly I turned around.

A small scared looking Alex was staring up at me. His eyes were that of snow thrashing around violently with tears on the brink of spilling over the edges. I couldn't stand to have him see the real me, a violent person who hardly cared who I hurt physically or emotionally. ​

"N-Neal..?" He shakily whispered. Concern and fear in his snowy eyes.

It felt like we were staring at each other for hours. Opening my mouth, my voice wavered, "I can't... I'm so sorry..."

I brushed past him and ran out of the school. I ran all the way over to the dorms where my jeep was parked. I unlocked it and got in. I pulled out my phone to see a missed message. It was from Hank, he briefly explained that him and Martha had gone to California for a business meeting and that they wouldn't be back for a few weeks.

I quickly pulled out of the parking lot and drove recklessly home. Once I had got to the house, Dare was waiting for me at the door. He seemed to know that I wasn't doing so well. I had found that my knuckles were bruised and swollen, they also hurt like hell. Bow was on the couch and got up so I could sit next to him. Dare sat next to me and nuzzled my open palm gently, my hands slid through his soft fur which comforted me. ​

Did I regret what I did? No. Did I regret letting Alex see what I did?


Very much.

An update!! Yay!
We are so sorry we haven't updated for a while. We had to finish end of level testing and finish schoolwork. We didn't have much time to work on this project.

We plan to update more very soon!

We love you,
-Draw & Fern

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