Chapter 8: Soulmates?

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(Neal's POV)

I don't know why I started flirting with Alex this morning, I guess I couldn't help myself. Despite being distracted with Alex, I did learn more about the school. Seniors were required to stay on campus during the week days, but we could go home during the weekends. ​

They assigned me a dorm room and I even had a roommate, but they didn't tell me who it was. During lunch I called Hank and told him about the dorms and how we were required to sleep in them. He was more than willing to pay the extra fee, probably overjoyed to get rid of me. Although, Hank did let me keep the jeep probably so I could have better means of transportation. I had also joined the soccer team which Darren, the one with the stutter, was the manager of. ​

Lunch started so instead of going with the crowd of students, I went to the library. Sitting down in a chair, I pulled out my phone and looked up the true meaning of soulmates. Every kid got a basic layout of soulmates from a class that they make you take in middle school. Hank and Martha told me a little bit, but not enough.

The internet had provided me with some helpful information including:  ​

-You can choose to reject your soulmate, but it will cause both you and your other half to go through mental and physical strain.​

-As you become closer to your soulmate you will start to see more of what they see. This is commonly known as having "Visions".​

-Most everyone starts to get these "visions" at the age of fifteen. Though some people are known as late bloomers, not getting their visions until they are older.​

-A tattoo will appear somewhere on your body when you confess your feelings to your soul-mate and they accept your confession. If they don't accept you then you will be left with half of that tattoo and over time it will start to break into shards.

That is what the internet basically summarized. The only thing I learned was that I am a late bloomer since, on the airplane, was the first time that I had gotten these visions. After being in the library for all of lunch the bell rang, and I made my way to gym, the last class of the day. ​

Earlier that day I was introduced to the soccer team by Darren, the team's manager. The soccer team held their practices right after school, so gym was like our warm up.  I also met another student named Aodhan. He was the soccer team's captain despite being a grade younger than most of us. ​

Once I had gotten to gym, the first person I saw was Alex. He was laughing with Aodhan. Alex looked so happy but some-how I knew that he was hiding something...dark. I didn't know how I knew, I guess I could tell with the way his eyes were faded and distant. As I stepped through the doors Aodhan looked at me with a welcoming smile. He then dragged Alex in my direction. ​

"Hey Neal, this is Alex my friend. He's in your grade," Aodhan smiled widely like he had just accomplished something important. ​

"I actually met Alex this morning," I smirked as Alex turned a slight shade of pink. ​

"Yeah we have the same math class."​

"Good...good," It seemed as if Aodhan was up to something, but I didn't question him. ​

Instantaneously a loud shout echoed across the gym. Out of now-where a basketball came flying towards us, closing in on Alex. Before it could touch him, I pulled him into my chest and dodged the ball. I looked down at Alex only to notice him shaking in my arms, his face had turned many darker shades of pink.

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