Chapter 1: A Day To Forget

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(Alex's P.O.V)

          For some reason, instead of a depressing, rainy day, the sky was bright, and the sunlight was glimmering down on us. Although, none of us were that happy. Today, marked the day of my dad's funeral.

My eyes were watering, refusing to let the salty tears fall down my cheeks. My younger sister, Elle, held onto my left hand tightly and covered her mouth with the other, trying to contain her sobs. My older brother, Oliver, stood to my right looking at the newly-made grave in the ground. Oliver put his left arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him. My mother stood next to the grave, sobbing uncontrollably next to it.

This day has just been nothing but depressing. And to make it worse, Jason, one of my dad's best friends, was comforting my mother. To other people, this would be totally fine. But for me, it was disgusting. Jason was getting a little too close to my mother.

Oliver seemed to notice and glared at Jason with hatred. I glanced down at Elle and saw that she wasn't paying attention to the man and our mother. She was too fixated on the grave ahead of us.

I was starting to shake, and my vision was going blurry because of my unshed tears. Straight away, I felt arms wrap around me from behind into a warm, loving hug. Then came a soft familiar whisper, "It's okay. I'm here for you. You can cry."
          With one final inhale, I let the tears stream down my cheeks and onto the green grass below us. My shoulders started to shake uncontrollably with my sobs. I let go of Elle's hand and got out of Oliver's grasp only to turn around and hug the person where the voice came from. I cried and cried into his shoulder.

"Don't worry, Alex. I'm here. And I always will be," the voice shushed me gently. He started to rub my back and whisper sweet nothings into my ear.

As time passed, everyone left one by one. Leaving our family alone with our heartbreak. Soon it was time for us to leave and I had to let go of the person I had been hugging for who knows how long. The person held my hand and lead us to our car, pulling me into the very back seat and finally sitting down. The person sat next to me and buckled us both into the seats, because I can't really do anything on my own right now. The person made me gently lay my head on their shoulder.

The car started to move. After a couple minutes of driving, my eyes couldn't stay open any longer. As I started to feel sleep overtake me, I whispered to the person, "...thank you for being my best friend, Aodhan..."

"Anything for you, Alex." Aodhan smiled down at me.

And with that, sleep took over my every thought....

Where to Find You - a boyXboy original storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें