Chapter 15: A normal morning. Right?

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(Alex's POV)

His abs were just right... I mean-um. He looked mildly okay. I guess. ​

After calming down, I went into the small kitchen and got some ingredients out of the refrigerator. Before this school year started, my mother went on a shopping spree to get my dorm some supplies. She filled up the fridge, got me a few more clothes, some more toiletries, and two little cactus plants. I kept telling her that I could have gotten the supplies by myself, but she kept denying me by saying, 'I just want to spend as much time with my middle child as I can.' And she was always wearing a smile. ​

I'll admit, I do love my mother and very much appreciate her. Although, her new boyfriend... He's uh... He's a different topic for another day. ​

I took out some eggs from their carton and pulled out a frying pan from the cupboard. Turning on the stove with a few clicks, there was instant heat. I placed the pan on the burner and cracked a few eggs into it, slowly stirring them around. ​

I let them sit in the pan for a minute or two while I got out four slices of bread and placed two on two plates that I got out.

Checking on the eggs, I added four slices of ham to the pan, and stirred it all around. I spun around to get the pepper from the counter, and I ran right into something-err someone.​

"Whoa! Hang on" Neal caught me by my waist before I tumbled to the tiled floor. ​

I straightened myself out and stuttered, "I-I'm so sorry! I wasn't p-paying attention to all my s-surroundings! I was just in need of the pep-" Neal put a finger to my mouth to quiet me. ​

He smiled patiently, "It's alright. You don't have to apologize. In all honesty, I shouldn't have been sneaking up on you while you were cooking."​

"But I'm usually really good at checking my surroundings while cooking... I wonder why..." I trailed off while walking over to the counter to get the pepper. ​

Neal was silent for a couple seconds, then spoke with a smile, "You sure do know your way in the kitchen. I find that quite appealing."​

Watching the black flakes fall into the pan, I felt my cheeks heat up. ​

"Thanks... I've cooked many meals before, for my mother and siblings." A small smile made its way to my lips. I stirred the eggs and ham around.

Neal came up to my side and watched my every movement. He questioned, "You have siblings." ​

That sounded more of a statement than a question. Answering him, I nodded. By now, the eggs and ham looked delicious. So I turned off the burner, grabbed the pan, and headed over to the plates that held the bread. Placing an even amount on one slice from each plate, I put on the other slice of bread on top.​

Glancing at Neal, he looked very surprised at the breakfast. "Go ahead and choose yours. I honestly don't mind which one. It's not much...but at least it's something. Right..?" I gave a small smile. ​

"Thank you so much, Alex." Neal thanked, taking the plate on the right. His smile was great to look at. He made his way over to the couch and sat down to eat his breakfast. ​

I grabbed my plate and headed over to the couch as well. I took a glance at the clock next to the tv and saw that the time was 6:27 am. Oh boy... I didn't realize it was that early. Might as well eat then get ready anyway. ​

We sat in silence while we were eating. There really isn't anything to talk about when you hardly know each oth- Something just clicked in my mind...​

The last thing I remember from last night was falling asleep on top of Neal...but this morning I woke up on my bed, in my room. ​

Neal probably saw the confusion on my face because he took hold of my right hand and asked, "Alex... Is everything okay?"​

"Y-yeah. Um. I was just thinking about something." I responded with a small smile. ​

The blonde smirked, "Were you thinking of me?"​

I can promise you everything went dizzy. "Wh-what makes you think that?"​

Neal let go of my hand and caressed my cheek. He smiled warmly and leaned in close. ​

I didn't know what to do. My eyes widened and my mouth clamped shut. I couldn't voice my protests. His lips got close to mine so that I could feel his warm breath. I glanced at Neal's eyes to see they were half-lidded. ​

"Relax..." He whispered before he closed the distance between our lips. ​

My shoulders tensed and I think I stopped breathing. Neal's eyebrows furrowed and he pulled away. I saw the blonde lick his lips slightly. ​

He nodded, "I know you weren't expecting that. And I don't blame you if you hate me now. And I'm sorry that I didn't give you a heads up. And I know we just met yesterday. I'm sorry."​

My eyes were still wide, and I was speechless. How is one supposed to react after their first kiss..? I'm I the only one who doesn't know how to react??​

Neal was a light shade of pink, but I'm pretty sure I'm multiple shades darker. ​

"I... I'm sorry. I'm just gonna go to school." Neal stood up quickly and headed for the front door. He opened it, glanced back at me, then continued out.​

I'm shocked... I looked at the clock and saw that it was 6:46 am. "I should uh...go get dressed and ready." ​

I got up slowly and made my way to my room. I didn't care about cleaning up breakfast.​


After getting showered, dressed, and brushing my teeth, I finally had the courage to go to school. I glanced into Neal's room and saw his backpack on the edge of his bed. I walked in, grabbed it, and headed out. ​

I passed by my cactus plants to walk out the front door and lock it.

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