Chapter 13: Let's just chill

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(Alex's POV)

After a couple minutes of thinking, we finally decided to order a medium pizza. I wasn't really that hungry after all my crying. So, I only planned on eating one slice.

Anyway. After Neal hung up from ordering the pizza, he turned on the tv and searched for a movie. "Do you have any preferences for a movie?" The blonde asked, still flipping through channels.

I shrugged, "I really like Disney productions."

Neal smiled, "Alright then. Disney it is."

He put on the Disney film, The Lion King. Honestly, this was my favorite movie. I wonder if he knew that... Weird. Um. Well. We sat in silence for a good five minutes until Neal spoke again.

"So. Back on our little topic from a couple minutes ago, are you straight?" Neal turned to look me in the eyes.

Wow. Way to get straight to the point. That wasn't a pun. Stop it.

I can tell he really wants an answer. In his eyes were a little bit of hope.

I felt my cheeks heat up and I stuttered, "W-well... To be quite honest, I grew up with a little sister. She is an amazing sibling. But sometimes she is just too much. You know, with her... m-monthly cycle. And everything that comes with it. I just really don't want to deal with that. So. I'm not really into any females. Don't get me wrong, I fully support women. I just, don't find them that attracting..?"

Neal gave me a blank stare, "So... you're gay?"

I nodded.

Neal smiled a little and muttered something under his breath. I couldn't really understand, but I did pick up on one word. I heard him say "Chance". What did that mean..? What did he mean by 'chance'? I shook my head, clearing my mind of the thought.

Neal squeezed my hand a little tighter. I looked over at him, he was smiling wide, staring into my eyes.

Man. This day has just been a lot of staring at each other. I feel bad for whoever is reading-

"Alex." I was snapped out of my thoughts, again.

Tilting my head I responded, "Yes?"

"Alex, I just want to say... I-I really-" the doorbell went off.

Our heads snapped to the door. I stood up, let go of Neal's hand, and said, "I'll get it. I bet it's the pizza."

Walking over to the door I grabbed my wallet from out of my pant pocket. I opened the door and saw a guy in a red polo shirt with the heat bag that carries pizza.

"Hello! Are you Neal Vincent?" The pizza guy asked.

I shook my head, "Neal is my roommate."

The guy nodded and took the pizza box out of the bag and handed it to me, "That makes sense. Well! That'll be seventeen dollars and ninety-four cents."

I paid the guy, "Have a wonderful night."

He waved, "You as well!" And he walked back to his car.

I shut the door and walked over to the couch. I set the box on the coffee table. And Neal immediately opened the box, examining the pizza.

I made my way into the small kitchen, searched around, then made my way back out with two plates in my hands. But stopped in my tracks as I saw that Neal had already begun eating the pizza.

Laughing a little I asked, "So, no plates?"

Neal looked at me innocently then took another bite. I shook my head as I sat down on the couch next to him and handed him a plate.

I put one slice on my plate and began to eat slowly.

The movie was only halfway over when there was only one slice left. Neal asked me if I wanted it, but I politely declined. He gave me a confused expression, "But you only had one slice. Are you sure you don't want it?"

I shook my head no.

"Why aren't you eating? Are you feeling sick?" He put his hand up to my forehead to check my temperature. His eyes widened, "You are a little hot... Are you feeling okay?"

I nodded my head, "I'm alright. I guess I just didn't have much of an appetite."

Neal gave me a 'really?' look. He took the plate off my lap and set it next to the pizza box. Then he grabbed my arms and laid back on our couch, pulling me with him so that I was on top of him. My face heated up and I felt that same dizziness I felt earlier.

"Just relax, Alex." Neal said in a calming voice. He ran his fingers through my hair.

The feeling of someone holding me affectionately, made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. I have had this before, but it never felt like this. Maybe Neal was trying to tell me something... I have a good clue on what, but I could be wrong. We only met today, so this could just be a friendly thing.

I felt my eyes start to get heavier and sleep trying to take me. I kept fighting it.

As I laid on Neal's chest, I could feel his steady breaths in a rhythm

In...Out...In...Out... Repeatedly.

Feeling his arms wrap tighter around me, I smiled and closed my eyes.

I was about to give in to sleep, but I heard Neal mumble something under his breath, "...I love you Alex."

We know these two have just met. But please keep in mind that they are destined to be soul mates.


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