Chapter 19: Sharing something

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Alex's POV

It was silent, yet, very loud. My heart would not calm down, and I don't know why. Tears were streaming down my face. Tears were also streaming down my window. So dark... So cloudy.

Making the first move, I reached up to wipe my cheeks and my eyes. I laughed a little, "...sorry. I didn't mean to cry..."​

Neal shook his head, "Don't apologize. It's not your fault."​

But it is. It's my emotions. I keep letting my emotions get the best of me... ​

I put on the best smile I could manage, but I could tell it was faltering. Taking in a deep breath, I spoke, "S-so! It's only about one in the afternoon..?" Neal glanced at my alarm clock on my desk and nodded. ​

Swinging my feet over the side of my bed, I stood up and knelt to be eye level with Dare. I placed both my hands on his neck and shook his fur from side to side, smiling. I glanced up at Neal to see a smile of his own and his eyes softly looking at mine. My cheeks heated up and my head became a little dizzy. ​

Dare suddenly barked, snapping my attention back to the red and white husky. ​

"Dare likes you. A lot. Even though he just met you...he loves you." Neal's voice was calming and satisfying to listen to. ​

There was a pounding in my head as the smile on my face disappeared for a split second, "...I love him a lot too. Not caring if I just met him recently."

My eyes widened as my vision changed from looking at Dare, to suddenly looking at my own back. Kneeling on the carpet of my room petting the husky. ​

Then my eye sight was back onto Dare. I looked around frantically until my eyes landed on a shocked Neal. ​

I stuttered, "D-did you see that..?"​

Neal was a little skeptical, "A-all that I saw was you petting Dare then, just for a moment, I was the one petting Dare..."​

I stood up and backed away a couple feet, shaking my head. "This has been g-going on for a couple days... And I don't k-know what it means?" I ended in a question. ​

Neal put his hand over his mouth, thinking. "I think I know what this is..." I waited for him to continue as his sight glanced down for a moment. ​

"I think these are visions... you know, like-" he cut himself off and shook his head. ​

"Like what..?" I questioned. My hands were playing around with the hem of my shirt, something I do when I'm nervous.​

Neal looked around, avoiding eye contact, "Nothing. It's nothing. It can't really ever happen, because I don't believe it would end well...Then again it would be nice to just once..." His eyes slowly met mine. They held a lot of emotion in them. Hope, confusion, ​

"Neal..? You okay there?" I questioned, a little worried about his new change in emotion. ​

He nodded his head and smiled, "Yes, Love. I'm alright." He stood up, pat Dare on the head, and left my room. ​

A frown settled on my face and I was speechless. How does one react to being called 'Love'? What did he mean by that?​

Dare slowly stood up and walked in the same direction his owner did. ​

After I spent a long, four minutes just sitting on the floor being confused, I finally got up and headed out of my room. ​

Walking past the living room to see that Neal was lost in thought while petting another dog's head. I decided to leave him be for now and continued to the small kitchen. ​

"Let's see..." I voiced aloud, "The other day I baked a tray of cupcakes, and Aodhan ate most of them. So I'll have to bake more than usual. But maybe this time I could bake cookies?" ​

I searched around the kitchen for the ingredients to make chocolate-chip cookies. Sure enough, we had all the necessary items. I pulled out all the dry ingredients, and a big enough bowl to put it all in. Then I grabbed the measuring cups and measured out the correct amount of flour and sugar. ​

"By now, I have this recipe burned into my mind." I smirked to myself, proudly. ​

"Oh do you?" Neal voiced, almost making me drop the measuring cups.​

My gaze snapped up to meet green eyes. Neal's hair was just a little messy and out of place. Trying to hold back a tiny laugh I asked, "What happened to your hair..?"​

Neal raised a hand to run through his blonde, messed up, hair. He laughed, "Bow attacked me with kisses. He pinned me down on the ground and wouldn't let me get up. Bow is the German Shepard that's laying on the couch."​

I will admit, this man looks pretty hot with his hair messed up. But I shook that thought out of my head by laughing, "That is pretty funny..! I caught a glimpse of Bow a couple minutes ago. He is so cute." 

"So... You are making cookies huh?" Neal questioned.​

I nodded and started looking around for the electric mixer. It took me a minute to find it, but I did. I could feel Neal watching me from the table as I began to mix the ingredients. The cookie preparation didn't take long and before I knew it, they were in the oven. ​

I patted Dare lightly on the head as I went back into the front room and turned on the tv. Neal came and sat by me with the dogs at our feet. ​

As Neal and I watched some ridiculous show, we talked for a while. Nothing too exciting. Nothing really worth mentioning. But it was nice to about normal things. ​

The dogs were laying at our feet panting and sighing every now and then. I can say right now; Neal is great to have around. Earlier, with the whole fight, I thought he would be too reckless to have as a roommate. I don't want to be living with some guy who will pick fights with others in an instant. I would not like all. But Neal...I don't know. I feel a connection to him? ​

Maybe. Just maybe... He could be something special to me in my future..?​

Ugh!! I don't know. I need to focus on the present. Speaking of which, I think the cookies are done! ​

After getting the cookies out to cool, the rest of the night went by quickly. Ending with me in bed while Neal took the dogs back to his house. ​

I hope Neal feels the same way. And I hope he can learn more about me. Enough to know me.​ And I hope we don't fight more in our futures. 


Sorry we didn't update on time! We will make it up to you soon! We promise!

Also...please comment to tell us how we are doing so far! Please tell us if we need to change anything or explain anything. 

Thank you so much!!

-Draw & Fern

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