Chapter 4: The move

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(Neal's POV)

Later that week Martha brought me a list of the high schools that I could go to in Colorado. There were only two schools on the list because our house was in the small town of Manitou Springs, Colorado. The first school I looked at was 30 miles out of town. That school was out of the picture. The second school I looked was a private school that had a good sports program. Not to brag but I am very good at playing soccer.​

Martha called the high school and signed me up. The next few days I spent most of my time packing my things and cleaning out the house. Finally, a week later, the day had come. We had officially sold the house. Yesterday, movers had come and picked everything up. The drive to the airport was stressful because I constantly had to check on the dogs who were in kennels. At last we had arrived. ​

"Neal come help me carry the kennels into the check in area," Hank demanded. 

​I carefully picked up Bow's kennel and followed Hank to the check in area. Martha was there waiting for us. ​

A young woman employee came over to us and stuck some stickers on the kennels before saying "You can set the kennels here and I'll have someone take them out to the plane." ​

Hank gave me a sleeping pill to give to Bow. I opened the kennel's door and Bow became anxious. Feeding him the pill I closed the kennel. Hank then led us to security. I noticed that multiple groups of girls were gawking at me; I found it annoying.​

Within an hour our plane had arrived, and we boarded. I had to sit by someone who I didn't know which was awkward. The flight was about seventeen hours, so I had plenty of time to take a nap. While I was trapped in sleep's depths, I could see memories, they weren't memories though, they were happening now, but I didn't know who they were of. ​

In the dream like memories I kept seeing kids around my age. I kept feeling the presence of someone. They felt so sad despite being with their friends. I had the strong urge to comfort them. It looked like they were on the bleachers looking down at a school field watching someone's soccer practice. The soccer field looked familiar, but I didn't have time to think about it because I was awoken. ​

Hank was looming over me with a scowl. In a gruff voice he said, "We're here." ​

I was still in a groggy state as I left the airplane, still trying to make sense of my "dream". ​We all took a 5 minute break from the plane. In that time, I headed into the restroom.

When I came back out, Hank guided us out to the rental car and drove us to our new house. The house was large and gave off the feel of a modern log cabin. There were large windows lining the front of the house with a perfectly landscaped yard. The house was pushed right up against the forest giving it a fairy tale look.​

I let the dogs out of their kennel and went inside. Hank and Martha bought the house fully furnished, so there was already a bed and dresser in the room I chose. Dare and Bow jumped onto the bed. ​

The only thing I had with me was a backpack full of my clothes the rest was still being moved. I pulled out my laptop and started researching soulmates. ​

"'Once someone turns fifteen, they are able to see the things that their soulmate sees so we can find them easier.'" I thought for a moment, "I am eighteen and this is the first time that I am seeing these 'visions."​

I tried to Google all my questions, but they just left me with more unanswered questions. This was too much to take in and my head was starting to hurt. Closing my laptop, I stood up and went to my bed. I lightly pushed the dogs aside and laid on the bed. Slowly, I drifted off into a dreamless sleep. ​

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