33. test of loyalty?

Start from the beginning

Jungkook rolled his eyes, " I'm submission. "

" ......huh? " Irene said, looking more confused than ever.

Jungkook sighed loudly, " when you submit, this is what you look like! "

"Ohhhh. I hope I don't look like Jungkook when I submit to Namjoon cuz that is just so weird, and it says a lot. " Jin said, not understanding. Jimin and Irene both rolled their eyes at him and slapped him across the head.

" Come on guys let's go. "

By the time the four had finished getting dressed it was already around ten o'clock in the night.

They all went to Jimin's early in the morning to get ready and to eat, but they spent the whole day there, just getting ready, and not doing anything else at all. By the end, Jimin's whole room was a mess, there was different makeup products everywhere, clothes all over the floor, hair products in the most random places. But the four didn't care, they'd promised to clean it later.

" Woohoo!!! I can't wait to see all the dick there is at the party. " Irene yelled as soon as she got into the Uber. The Uber driver looked at her up and down and then shook his head. " First time at a party? " He asked.

Jimin spoke up, answering for Irene, " no, first time dick in a long time. " Jungkook laughed, " I mean, Jimin, you aren't wrong. "

Irene gasped and slapped them both. "You didn't have to tell him that! " She groaned, shaking her head. Jin's chuckles could be heard from the front seat.

" You guys are at college, right? " He asked, focusing his attention on the road, but still talking to the hyped group of teens. "Yeah it's our last year."

"Ah.." he chuckled, "trying to get in the last bits of fun eh? "

"Yeah, I guess you could out it that way. " Jungkook's said.

"Well, savour it while it lasts, you don't wanna end up like me, driving people around. "

"But then you wouldn't be meeting amazing people, like me! " Irene piped up.


When the four had arrived, it was already 11pm and the party was in full swing. There were neon lights, which caused a ethereal glow on Jungkook's pale skin. And everyone took notice of it.

Jimin was with Yoongi in the corner of the living room, sitting on his lap. Jimin was already tipsy as it is, now he was getting drunk of Yoongi's lips. Jin had wondered off with Namjoon to the garden for some peace and quiet, and Irene was sticking with Jungkook.

Her date had wondered off with this girl, so she and Jungkook had decided to take some shots. " Let's take a round of shots. Let's get in the mooooood!!!! " She yelled over the music. Jungkook immediately nodded, he picked up a shot and downed it. The thin alcohol burning down his throat.

They both took another round. And another. And another. Irene was already swaying on her hips, and they both giggled at absolutely anything. "Oh my dogggggg!" Irene yelled. "Did you just say dog? " Jungkook burst out laughing, nearly falling in the process.

After another round, some boy came up to the two. "Do you guys want bud?" Irene and Jungkook both looked at each other, before laughing and then eventually taking the weed, and putting it in between their lips.

" Oh my days we should dance. " Irene stuttered. "Totallyyyyy!" Jungkook slurred, more drunk than high.

Jungkook and Irene stumbled into the dancing area. Some random song was playing, the bass absolutely boosted. Jungkook could feel his heart thumping along the beat. He could hear his own heart in his ears.

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