29. the secret garden

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A few months had passed, and let's just say, a lot had happened to Taehyung and Jungkook. The two were no longer friends. No one knew how it had happened but the two had drifted apart.

But the two knew that it was also their fault. Yes, neither knew what to do, and so they both ignored the situation, and got angry at each other for not speaking up first. So now, when they would occasionally see each other, it wasn't friendly smiles, it was cold glares and bitter thoughts.

This also meant that everyone else had drifted apart. Not just Taehyung and Jungkook. Namjoon and Jin barely saw each other, but when they did it would have to be alone, so that no arguments would occur. Yoongi and Jimin were very nearly close to breaking up. And Hoseok was just Hoseok. He was living life, but he would miss hanging out with all of his friends, so he now felt as lonely as ever.

Taehyung would smoke more now, that's because he was stressed. He never used to smoke, but as soon as Jungkook left his life, he got his head out of the books, and faced reality, and he knew that his whole life was ahead of him, and he didn't need Jungkook.....but as much as he tried to, he couldn't forget that doe eyed boy. He couldn't forget anything about Jungkook. Because he was always there in the back of Taehyung's mind.

Jungkook however, was always cooped up in his apartment. He developed quite a routine. Classes, then back home. Food, then back home. Necessities, then back home. In the past few months, Jungkook had lost his motivation to sew. He packed all of his things in a box, and shoved it into a small cupboard in the corner of his apartment. And now all that he did was eat, Netflix, Disney movie, popping, sleeping and then repeating.

Often, Jimin, Jin and Irene would visit him, and they would hang out at lunches, but other than that, Jungkook barely saw his closest of friends.

However, Jungkook had no one to blame but himself.

Sometimes, life takes a turn, and you have to just steer your ship, in the way the water moves. After months of sitting around, moping for himself, Jungkook finally realized that the only reason he was alone now, was because he was the one that pushed everyone away.

And now, he was going to do what he was supposed to do months ago. Jungkook looked out of his balcony door, and saw that it was pouring. He sighed softly, and shrugged on his long black coat. He also grabbed his umbrella, and his keys. Before he left, he looked back at his apartment, saw his two cats sleeping soundly, and quickly kissed them goodbye, before grabbing his scarf, and wrapping it around his neck.

He walked in the rain, the sound of cars whooshing past him. And then the soft splashing noise as his footsteps hit the thin layer of water on the ground.

It was a dull day, and the air was cold. The aura just seemed dark, but the streets would often light up with the headlights of cars. Even though it just about hit 4pm. Jungkook walked into the small coffee shop, and walked up to line. He waited for his turn, and then ordered his usual black coffee, and sat in a dimly lit booth.

He opened his book, and began to read. The secret garden, an all time favourite of Jungkook's. The book he had was an old worn book. The front cover had become creased, and the picture was barely visible, but Jungkook could still make out the colourful dress, and young girl. The spine of the book was coming apart, and would make soft creasing noises everytime the book would be opened.

Even though the book was initially made as a children's novel, Jungkook favouritised the book. He had fallen in love with it as a child. Jungkook had vague memories of his mom tucking him into bed, pushing away his bangs, and reading him the story. And he could remember when he'd find the novel on his mother's dresser, wishing to be able to read it himself.

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