Start from the beginning

"Brother Jeremiah," Charlotte stepped in. "Please forgive us for our behavior, but Marie had been missing before. Things were done to her and this situation has left us even more worried. We would like to know how we can help her."

You can't. The warlock that had cast a spell on her is a powerful one. Imogen had made sure that no one breaks it.

"What do you mean?" Jem asked, standing up from his previous position.

Marie Wayland is undergoing many visions. From my examinations, I can tell that the girl is tested by magic. Dark magic.

Will's fists were clenched in anger. Why was it always her who had to endure suffering?

"It's the Mark, isn't it? The one she has on her back?"

Yes, William Herondale. It most likely is. From what I can tell, Imogen's spell is trying to see if the Mark had began manifesting its power. She is testing Marie to see if the girl will surrender herself to darkness.

"What?" Jem's eyes went wide. "No. No way. Marie could do everything, but she would never surrender to the power of darkness. She would never willingly choose its side."

"I agree with Jem," Tessa nodded her head.

"So, she is fighting it, right?" Will proceeded.

Yes, she is. That's the reason behind her tremors and drop of body temperature.

"Brother Jeremiah," Henry said. "Do forgive me for asking more questions, but what happens to our girl if she doesn't win against it? What if she chooses to serve the darkness?"

I cannot answer that, Henry. My best guess would be that she will be possessed by it, bound to a life of eternal slavery.

"How come everyone always suggests the worst option?" Will's voice rose. "I've told you before and I am telling you now. Marie is strong and she will win. So, my question is - what happens when she wins against the darkness?"

Jem gazed at his parabatai, admiring his belief in Marie Wayland and her strength. It didn't mean that Jem had lost his faith in the girl, it was just strange to him - seeing Will bothered and capable of showing emotions. Of course, Will had always cared for Jem and Marie, but in the past few days, the boy had walked through Hell and back; he had rose like a phoenix, untouched by flames of hurting. He had grown and absorbed everything that tried to tear him down, preparing to use it in order to fight for his loved ones. For Marie.

If she wins - she will proceed to uncover what was hidden from her in the first place. She had her memories stolen, at a very young age.

Will's head snapped up, meeting Charlotte and Henry's gazes. "What is he talking about?"

The couple only shook their heads. "I am not sure, Will."

The girl had her memories stolen by a warlock. That means that there are certain things she doesn't remember, as if someone had snatched those moments from her. According to your story, I'd say that this is what she wanted. She wanted to know her own story.

"This is what she wanted?" Will shook his head. "No, no, no. She may have wanted knowledge, but she didn't ask for battling the darkness."


"Brother Jeremiah, we cannot thank you enough for your assistance," Henry approached him. "We are forever grateful to you for making time."

The Silent Brother nodded.

"Children," Charlotte spared them a look. "Let's go and bid Brother Jeremiah goodbye."

"Do you mind if I stay here?" The dark-haired Shadowhunter asked. "I wouldn't like to leave her alone. In case something happens."

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