Chapter Ten || Rescue You

Start from the beginning

    Practiced in combat, the young man spun behind a small barrier and dropped his empty magazine, loading a fresh one before picking up the empty and storing it in one of his pockets. Barely registering the environment around him he launched himself back into combat, only one goal in mind: give the Decepticons a big enough fight to distract them from Group Bravo.

    Jack barely heard Lennox shouting orders above the firefight, or Mirage shouting insults at the Decepticons while "Jazz" and "Bulkhead" drove through the base, creating further distractions. The practiced Autobot ducked and wove through the Vehicon soldiers pouring out of various structures to reinforce their friends. Everyone had yet to see any "named" Decepticon which ran the base, which was slightly worrisome. Normally Cyclonus left someone other than drones to monitor their precious bases, especially after the humans began their counterattacks.

    Nevertheless, Mirage pushed through, fighting to give his friends the cover they needed to save Optimus Prime. This was what this whole operation depended on - the Decepticons could not figure out what was happening, or the Autobot cause could be officially doomed.

    It cost extra energy to create illusions of 'bots other than himself. Mirage specialized in making himself invisible and making copies of himself - that was effortless. Pretending Jazz and Bulkhead were present took careful crafting and light-bending that he was not nearly as familiar with. Coupled with having to ensure he did not step on any of his human allies, this particular mission was becoming incredibly stressful.

    He glanced towards the human group as they advanced with him, shooting their primitive guns and ripping through Vehicon armor like it was tissue paper. As disadvantaged as the human race was, they knew how to adapt. The tiny little beings garnered a lot of respect from him.

    Jack grimaced as he once again ran out of ammunition, changing clips. He had a fair amount of bullets for this particular assault, but he did not like how long it was taking Group Bravo to radio in. Not even a quick "glue sticking" message had been shared, however . . . perhaps he missed it. Maybe the plan had advanced further than he realized.

    "Come on!" Mirage snarled as he finished off yet another Vehicon. "Whoever is running this joint must be a real coward, because right now all I see are a bunch of foot soldiers!"

    Colonel Lennox could not help but also wonder why the designated Decepticon leader had yet to show up, becoming a bit concerned.

    Like comically bad timing, the ground began to tremble beneath Jack's feet, the young man hearing loud curses as it exploded.

    The Cybertronian metal buckled and threw Jack through the air, sending him sailing and smashing into a nearby building. He fell to the ground with a groan, his head spinning as he forced himself to sit up. Trying to focus and figure out what was happening, the young man spit out the dirt that was flung in his mouth. He looked up, almost wishing he had not.

    A massive . . . scorpion had erupted from the ground, Mirage grappling with it and avoiding its massive stinger as humans scattered. Lennox had also been flung away, the soldier on his back and shouting as he shot at the Vehicons which remained. The Cybertronian scorpion, in the typical Decepticon fashion, did not take into account the possible Vehicon casualties, just attacking when the time was right.

    Mirage turned to avoid a pincher, his energon spattering on the ground from a wound Scorponok had dealt whilst taking them by surprise. The Autobot cursed, berating himself for not thinking it could be a trap.

    Jack scrambled back to his feet when he saw the second Decepticon, the Cybertronian leaping from the roof of one of the tallest structures, having remained out of sight until his companion attacked first. He landed on his pedes not far from Lennox, his arm transforming into a cannon and aiming at the human threat.

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