Chapter Four || Assure You

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"Nobody can save me now, no,"


This was perhaps the first time in a long time that Jack woke up with little incident, too tired to have nightmares plague his dream state. Sitting up he rubbed the front of his head, a headache pulsing across his forehead. That was the worst part about emotional stress - the ugly pain which came after it.

Slipping out of bed he grabbed a fresh change of clothes, switching into a more casual wear than the camouflage fatigues he had rolled into bed with. His sheets were probably filthy as well, filled with sand and dirt, but only his mother would truly care.

Jack had slept in much more uncomfortable conditions before.

Deciding his headache would be the perfect excuse to check on Sierra, the young man made his way towards the large medical bay. The sterile white environment brought an odd comfort to him, multiple nurses and doctors of various specialties milling around. Area 51 was not just a military base, though the majority of its citizens did contribute to the goings-on of the military, but it was also like a small city. The "Groom Box" of Area 51 covered approximately 600 square miles, and the military had utilized every inch - underground. The upper part of the base, the heavily militarized area, was barely a quarter of that, however it was large enough to house the Autobots.

The barracks and hospital were underground, which meant it was always fairly cool and made the perfect working environment for the medical staff. It was here his mother worked, one of the charge nurses that worked in the ER section of the hospital, which doubled as the front lobby.

The nurse at the check-in desk smiled at him, recognizing him. Jack was a frequent visitor, mostly just to check on his mother during his down time. Consequently, most of the staff could pick him out of a crowd easily.

"Looking for June?" She asked, eyes sparkling.

Jack nodded. "Yeah . . . well, I'm actually here for a headache, but if my mom's available, I'd like to see her too."

"Of course," the young woman dialed June's number, waiting patiently for her to pick up. "Jack's here," she announced once the nurse picked up. "He says he has a headache, but would also like to see you. Yes I can. Just have Dr. Hans put it in the system and pharmacy will send it over. M-hmm. Can do."

She hung up, smiling. "She's back at the nurse's station. Dr. Hans will prescribe a dose of Tylenol; it should be there before too awful long."

"Thanks," Jack made his way towards the back, the interaction only exacerbating the throbbing in his head.

Because of the limited amount of access to amenities, the Pharmacy had sole control of the drug distribution at Area 51. Doctors had fairly unlimited access through prescriptions, but regular citizens could go to the pharmacy to request certain medications. Jack could have easily just gone and asked for a single Tylenol, but he wanted to knock out a few birds with one stone: seeing his mother, seeing Sierra, and getting rid of the headache.

His mother's face immediately lit up as he entered the nursing station, walking over and pulling him into a tight hug.

"I haven't seen you since you were deployed, are you okay?" She took half a step back to look him up and down. "Miko said you had a long night."

Jack nodded. "Yeah . . . nightmares," he said, trying to still the shaking in his hands. "Starscream sent me out for a brief recon mission; since it tired me out, I can say it worked."

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