The Makeup

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|Melanie-Rose's pov |                      His mouth is on mine in seconds as the elevator doors shut and the familiar feeling of home settles in.  Being in his arms again is euphoric but I'm also focusing on keeping my heart safe.

He guides me to the couch before settling me down and waltzing into the kitchen. I take the time to glance around the penthouse noticing nothing's changed. I search the rooms to see my room is still filled with the stuff I left behind, but the bed looks used, and the door connecting the room to Elijah's is still unlocked.

I close the door behind me, walking into Elijah's to see it barely touched... like he hasn't slept in here.

The lights are switched off, the only light shining through being the moon, which lights the room in a mesmerising way that I'm not sure a camera would do any justice. The soft glow was enough to light up the bed making it seem romantic and voluptuous. It beat having candles and having the constant worry of burning the fücking house down.

"I thought I'd find you in here." He voices from the door. I turn to face him while he leans up against the wall a bottle of champagne in one hand and two glasses in the other. He has a beautiful smile splashed on his face like paint on a canvas telling so many stories, speaking so many things; it made a huge contrast to the usual smirk he portrayed. His eyes were glowing with more than just love and for once in my life, I could feel his love. I feel loved after spending my entire life not having an ounce of it. But none of that mattered in this moment. The past was forgotten. I feel true freedom rather than the illicit perception of it, it feels euphoric.

"Here I am." I return his smile as he saunters over to me, a slight spring in his step, the anticipation driving us both wild. Popping the champagne and handing me a glass, he plops himself down on the bed with his arms outstretched in front of him.  I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to run into his arms and bury my head into the crook of his neck, searching for the comfort he so generously gives. He owns me body and soul.

I stop in front of him taking time to admire the change in him, he seems to look younger than before, like a huge weight has been lifted. He's quick to take charge of the situation as both drinks are stowed away, onto the bedside cabinet and I'm thrown beneath him. The darkness that I so righteously love being sparked to life like the wild, untamed beast he is. The animal in him finally waking up and taking over.

His mouth ravishes mine in an indescribable, passionate way that literally has my whole entire body shaking beneath him. It's strange what one man can make me feel just by kissing me. "Mi Amore." He whispers softly between kisses before completely pulling apart and resting up on his elbows to support his weight. His eyes stare down at mine in a captivating way and he uses his right hand to brush my hair away from my face.

"I prefer your natural hair. The way it waves and falls round your face have it like that more often si." He interrupted us to talk about my hair. Damn, this mans changed.

"You're already ordering me around I see." I laugh, rolling my eyes at his simple demands.

"It's a mere suggestion. Don't act like you don't enjoy me dominating you." He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively, alluding to the fact he has me beneath him and at his mercy right this second.

"Do you want to get laid tonight?" I ask but his stance never falters. We both already know the answer to that. "How many girls did you sleep with in the past few months?" The question shouldn't be relevant and I know I probably won't like the answer, but I have a curious head on my shoulders that won't allow me to just keep quiet.

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