The nickname

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                          |Melanie-Rose's pov|

"Cause any trouble and you're out Miss Vaneti, am I clear?" His tone is dark. He's warning me to challenge him and of course I oblige.

"Okay Emerald." You're probably wondering where that name came from. Apart from all his obvious features, he had these bright green eyes that immediately hypnotise you. I'm not sure if he noticed me gawking at his heavenly body too but damn I would like to see what's under those clothes.

His body tenses as the name escapes my lips and his glare is stuck on me. He looks like a volcano ready to explode. Instead, he calls Isaac back in here. His breathing is heavy which flustered me in ways he couldn't even imagine.

Ay, Melanie-Rose down girl.

"Keep her on a tight leash Dias." With that he leaves. A relieved look covers Issac's face but I know I'm going to get a lecture soon enough.

"Go back to your room and order room service José should bring it up, he'll also help you with anything else. I'll speak to you tomorrow and please watch that smart mouth of yours Mel."  Normally, I'm not one to take orders but I can see I've gotten Isaac in quite a lot of trouble already so decide to do just as he said.

He was right José did bring my food up and said to call him if I need help with anything else. I know tomorrow me and Isaac will be having the 'chat'.


I'm awoken by the sound of knocking on my room door. Everyone knows it's not wise to wake me up. The knocking continues and gets progressively louder.

"This better be fucking important." I yell as I swing the door open to see Isaac standing outside. He lets himself in and I know now we're going to have the 'chat'.

"You need to calm down Melanie. You can't speak to people with that attitude and you most definitely can't punch anyone like you was going to yesterday." I slowly glare at him in frustration. It's hard being a mini psycho like me. I haven't always been like it but since leaving Colombia I've had to learn how to defend myself so I don't find myself stuck in the same situation I was in a few months ago. I'll never allow myself to be weak again.

"I'm trying Isaac.. really i am. It's just hard to control all the anger I have built up." Guilt laces my voice as I realise I'm going to have to try and control myself if I want to prevent getting him into further trouble.

"I know Mel, maybe just try and keep your anger issues to a minimum." A playful tone laces his voice as he winks at me. I roll my eyes at him as he tries to terminate the subject, but something's still bothering me. Emerald.

I couldn't sleep last night, thinking about what's under those damn pants was enough for me to need a new pair of underwear. Fuck there'd be no use in the, anyway. My entire body aches for him, which is silly because I could've found anyone to relive me but for someone reason my love box was infatuated with him.

"Who the fuck does he think he is though, saying he owns everything!" There it is again... the anger.

"He kinda does." Isaac looks me directly in the eye as if trying to implicitly say something.

"What do you mean?" A worried look subdues him as he tries to think of a logical answer. As if he's trying to hide the truth from me.

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