The traitor

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|Melanie-Rose's p.o.v|
I rested my head on his chest as we both came down from our high. His heart was beating rapidly and his breathing was just returning to its normal state. He ran his fingers through my knitted curls and every now and then he'd pull it a little too hard, enough to awaken and please my masochist side.

We were engulfed by silence. It was a comfortable silence, that neither of us wanted to falter or break. It was the kind that gave reassurance that although no one was speaking; there was a lot to be said.

"Why the name Rose?" He asked softly, pondering my choice of names the other night.

"I didn't want to tell a bunch of strangers my real name.. you never know who you can trust and frankly I don't know any of your men so I have no reason to believe they won't rat me to the wrong person and send me back to him." I shuddered at the thought of Alejandro. It'd been so long since I've thought about him: he almost felt like a nightmare you soon forget about after a few hours until it's time to talk about it.

He hummed in response and carried on running his fingers through my locks, massaging my scalp as he reached the top again. "What was your meeting about earlier?"

"Some of our shipments haven't come in, we think someone in the mafioso is working against us." It sounded serious and I could tell my Elijah's tone that he was irritated.

"Where are they being shipped to?" I question not that it makes a difference, I'm just curious.

"We believe the Colombians have something to do with it." His response catches me off guard. Thinking that someone in the mafia is working against Elijah and with Alejandro scares the shit out of me. But I'm not weak anymore, I've become stronger since being with him and I won't let Alejandro or anyone change that, not again.

"Anything I can do to make you feel better." I asked, stupidly.

He wiggled his eyebrows, before rolling on top of me, securing his weight on his elbows so he didn't suffocate me. "I could think of a few things-" he began but then turned serious again. "Honestly, I just want to make sure your safe and you can protect yourself even when I'm not around. That's why I'm going to train you starting in the morning."

The idea of training scared me yet excited me. I don't like a lot of physical exercise but I mean who does? However, I wouldn't miss the chance to see Elijah topless and sweaty with his muscles buldging.

"Stop staring at me like I'm a piece of meat." He chuckled his fingers grazing the skin on my waist.

"You're attractive." I hummed in response and that was all he needed to hear before taking me once more.


Intimacy isn't who you let touch you. Intimacy is giving someone attention when someone else is pleading for it. Intimacy is sharing your dreams and fears. Your hopes and aspirations with. Intimacy is the person who's always in the back of your mind, no matter how distracted you are. And right now, in this very moment, I feel intimate with Elijah.

I stay, with my head on his chest and my wild eyes gazing up at him- admiring him like a piece of art that the richest man alive couldn't afford.

His lips were slightly parted as soft snores leave them. He eyes were shut lightly accentuating his long lashes which could make any girl jealous.

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