The come back

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        |Melanie-Rose's pov|

As I face him I feel everything hit me all at once. The hurt, the distrust, the lust. But is that what this is lust.

I stared into those Emerald eyes that I came to lo-like so much and his apology seemed genuine. He seemed hurt as if my presence had an impact on him but maybe it was just guilt.

His words didn't sit right with me.

I looked into his eyes and saw the hurt and I had to stop the urge of wanting to fix everything that was broken. It won't be that easy, it can't be, not if I want to be happy.
I don't want him to stay because he feels guilty, I want him to stay because he feels something for me , the way I do for him.

I told him not to come back but I wished more than anything for him to hold me again, tell me things will be better this time- they have to be.

The stars have always been my safe place- something to tell your secrets, your fears, your doubts. I couldn't trust anyone growing up so I relied on the stars to keep me safe.

I was consumed by my thoughts before someone graced me with their presence. I didn't need to turn around to know it was him, I could tell by his woodsy cologne that hung in the air and the authoritative aura that surrounded both him and me. His chest was against my back and my breath hitched for a moment as I melted into his embrace. The embrace that I needed for months, every damn night I spent missing him- hating him.

Suddenly, I pull away thanks to my better judgement. "What are you doing here, Elijah?" He stared at me with those penetrating green eyes that scrutinised me, memorising every inch of my body as if it were the first and last time he'd see it. A flash of desperation shone in his alluring eyes before dispersing as he cleared his throat.

"I'm here for you, hermosa" i glowered at him, confused by his sudden demand. It's been 3 months and suddenly he thinks he can just demand to be a part of my life again. "Don't give me that look, princesa." His voice teased, almost like it used to. I couldn't deny the urge to slap him but before I could even process it "don't even think about it."

He pinned my hands by my side as he leaned over my body-chest to chest, my heart racing uncontrollably. My back was up against the balcony giving me no escape. I crooked my head slightly at the sound of footsteps and Elijah took that time to dive in, hungrily. His lips were against my neck, kissing, biting, teasing. "Amara." I breathed out as I saw her standing at the door. Elijah continued his assault, clearly leaving marks wherever his mouth roamed. I pushed him away forcefully and gave him a slight nod to where Amara was standing.

"You two seem to be getting along, but there'll be none of that when my bedrooms next door to yours Mel."

"-I think you should leave before you make this incredibly awkward and I'm forced to burn those new Louboutins." I advised. Her mouth opened and closed like a fish "you wouldn't." She challenged but immediately ran inside when I took a step closer to her.

"That was odd." I chided as his green eyes searched me again. A smirk formed on his face and he didn't even attempt to hide the fact he was checking me out. As our eyes met he gave me a cocky grin and wink. His eyes committing me to memory as they soaked in every curve.

"What do you say? Come home with me?" I pondered the thought of going back with him but I found there were a lot more negatives outweighing the positives. "I can't." A look of annoyance that I knew too well masked his face as he crowded me. His jaw locking and a low growl leaving his throat.

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