The Hostage

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|Melanie-Rose's p.o.v|

My life was always destined to turn out this way- this was inevitable.

It was dark and cold. The air being suffocating as my eyes begin to adjust to the vibrant light for a brief second as i regained consciousness. My head pounded from the drugs he had used to get me wherever the fuck we are. I was afraid. God, I was fucking terrified but where would that get me? I had to pull through this with a brave face just like I did with my mother's beatings.

Remember, every tear shed would warrant another beating, it shows weakness. Maybe her cruel behaviour will be good for something right now.

My body felt paralysed; whatever they drugged me with was strong and over-bearing. The pain could be felt all over my body and if it wasn't for the wiggling of my fingers and toes, I'd be convinced that It really had paralysed me. The silence was the worst part of all of this, it was deafening, almost driving me into a state of nomadic madness. I hadn't even been here that long, had I?

The trip was all a blur, I'd have certain moments where I could hear muffled voices but had no vision or recollection. It became unclear what was a dream, a hallucination and what was real.

Suddenly, a door situated on the opposite side of the room to me was swung open, revealing a large figure, one belonging to a man. It was still too dark to make out his face but his voice was clear as anything. "Te he estado esperando Hermosa." The words dripped from his tongue like venom from a snake. It caused a temporary chill to fall down my spine, the way his hand brushed against my cheek caused the bile in my stomach to rise and soon I became increasingly unsettled. Alejandro didn't chain me to anything or tie my hands up, he wasn't like a usual kidnapper, he enjoyed a challenge the sadistic bastardo. My heart was beating frantically and a sob threatened to pierce through my valiant face. Pushing my emotions aside, I focused on one thing, the numbness. It didn't feel real and maybe if I convinced myself that this wasn't real, that my life hadn't turned to complete shit then I would survive this.

"Directo pa'l carajo." I spit back at him venomously. My breathing became laboured just as the sting in my cheek become noticeable. Pendejo slapped me.

He laughed cynically at my expense, "Mi princesa, do I need to remind you of the past?" He pressed, his hands moving along my stomach until settling between my thighs. I forced the tears away, knowing they're exactly what he wants. He wants to see me weak so he knows he still has a hold over me but I will not let that happen.

"We will go ahead with the wedding and you will remember your place puta." His words lingered moments after he left, they hung over me like a shadow stalking me.

Before I could respond, he left, leaving me alone in the dingy basement.


The days go by meekly, Alejandro rarely coming down but he has men situated outside and sends a plate of food in everyday. The food is bland and I can't seem to stomach any of it- just the look of it makes me want to throw up all the bile in my stomach that's been building since seeing him again.

I woke up and dragged myself away from the cold flooring, the sunlight peaked through the ceiling like it had never before and for the first time, I had hope of getting out of here. As long as there's still sunlight, I'm not below ground. I brought my hands to my face where I was suddenly greeted by dampness, I had been crying yet It didn't make me feel vulnerable- I felt empowered.

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