The date

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                         |Melanie-Rose's pov|

I slipped on a loose black dress and a pair of matching, comfy black heels. I know, I know, heels when I'm touring New York. I'm crazy, I get it.

I apply some light makeup and a bold red lip.

There's a soft knock on the door before someone comes swooning in. I take one look at him and my knees almost buckle.

His hair's gelled back in place, contrasting to the rugged mess I made it earlier. His white shirt clings to his god given body and his black blazer is swung over his shoulder.

"Ready?" He asks cheerfully. Yep. Totally not the man I'm used to. I nod before following behind him.


Walking through Central Park was like a movie scene. The leaves that fall onto the floor are a mixture of red, orange and yellow; a clear sign that autumn is among us. There's a lot of people around, just like i expected but i seem to be captivated by one.

i feel a warm hand slowly brush past mine which send shocks of electricity through me. he takes that as his chance to intertwine our fingers and walk alongside eachother. Just like a scene from a movie but of course how good can this get before everything tears us apart.

it's strange to think of him as cold, ruthless killer, when he's being awfully sweet. Yet, a warning is still going off in my head, reminding me that he could know Alejandro.

That was why i was leaving. i know i still have to and that's why I can't become too attached to this hybrid of a man- that captivated me with one hungry look.

We come to a stop outside of an extravagant, glass restaurant. My eyes trail over the endless walls made from glass that i almost don't feel Elijah tugging me in or his endless attempts to get my attention.

he chuckles as i finally come to my senses and the embarrassment creeps across my cheeks making me feel flush. yes, that's exactly what's making me feel flush, not the handsome man who has his hand on my thigh under the table.

A blonde waitress comes over and her eyes nearly fall out of there socket as she catches sight of Elijah.

"Sir, I d-didn't know you were coming tonight." She stutters.

He's curt with her as always, I mentally roll my eyes, completely dismissing what she said as we begin to place our order.

"You seem to make her nervous." I giggle. Yes, a genuine giggle- I can act girly sometimes.

"It's one of my many talents." He winks and continues to sip his overpriced wine.

I watch as his tongue trails over his lip savouring the wine that coated them. Such a casual action has me almost shaking as I wonder what else he can do with that tongue.

I think about his lips being on mine again and it's enough to make my cheeks turn a bright red. Just the mere thought of having him touch me right now would have me panting like a bitch in heat. Ay , Melanie-Rose control those sinful thoughts.

As if almost on queue, I draw my attention away from his mouth and look back at his eyes.

A cocky grin forms and I'd love to be the one to slap it off his smug face. He definitely knows what I was fantasising about.

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