Twenty-Two | Hot Mess

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**writing in third person when it wasn't sam's point of view was too annoying so i decided to not do that anymore okay goodbye

Michael and Calum had gone back to Lottie's place with her to help her get her house ready for the party. Her parents would be gone until next Saturday so we didn't expect them to end up crashing it. Even if they did, Ashton was already making plans to help sneak her out with the crowd.

"I'm so pumped," Ashton smiled as he stood in his bathroom with the door open, shaking the spray can for his hair before actually taking it to his hair. Instead of color, just an annoying noise came out of it. He stopped and look at it, shaking it again before trying a second time. It still didn't work. "Aw, come on."

"You could still be punk rock, just without the color." I shrugged.

Ashton already put on his ripped shirt with a light-wash denim jacket over it and the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He also had on his signature black skinny jeans but these ones had a rip in one knee. Then he had on some black boots that looked a lot like Michael's and I wondered if he borrowed them from him.

He tossed the can in the garbage before going through his bag to find the tattoo sleeves. He opened up the pack and slid them on before looking at himself in the mirror. He must've saw my reaction in the mirror because he made a face too, and said, "You don't like them."

"You can definitely tell they're fake," I nodded before grabbing his forearm to examine it closer. "And it has those cheesy sugar skulls on them."

Ashton chuckled, taking them off and sighing and he threw them back in the bag. "What do I do now?"

I stood back and looked him over as I hummed to myself. I still had to get ready myself but I also had to help Ashton. Besides, I was sure I could come up with a quick costume.

I made an L with both of my hands before holding them in front of my face like a square. Ashton laughed at me as I looked through it, squinting one eye. Then I moved forward to push his hair back with my hands.

"Dude," I smiled. "You're gonna be a greaser."

"A greaser." he repeated, though it sounded like he didn't believe it.

"Yeah, you'll look hot." I nodded as I reached for the hair jell, not really thinking about what I'd said.

"Oh, that's why you want me to be a greaser?" he smirked, looking at me in the mirror. "You want me to look hot? Well, I got news for you, Beautiful, I'm always hot." he joked, pretending to flip his hair.

I met his eyes in the reflective surface and gave him a look. "Shut up and c'mere."

I asked him to pull up a picture of John Travolta from Grease and I just copied his hair. I did a surprisingly good job before I washed my hands off and brought Ashton out of the bathroom and down the hall to his room. Luke was in there, already in his costume. He was working on his makeup but I had a feeling he'd fuck it up or wouldn't do very good and I'd have another person to help.

Ashton sat down on his bed as I raided his small closet. I couldn't find a plain white shirt so I went for the black v-neck and tossed that toward him. I didn't know if he'd actually have a leather jacket but I was sure I could make his denim one work.

"What's he now?" Luke asked as he covered his face in white.

"Greaser." Ashton chuckled, rolling his eyes.

"Hey, Drummer Boy, do you own a leather jacket?" I called while my head was still in his closet.

"Yeah, it's on the other side of the closet toward the back," he called back. "I don't wear it much."

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