Thirteen | Coming Home

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I found out Ashton was in my sixth block English while Calum and Michael were in my last block art class. Unfortunately, we had assigned seats in English and I was sat across from Ashton - at least we could still silently communicate. In art, though, I was able to sit with Mike and Cal and we talked quietly while the teacher went over shading or some shit I already knew how to do but couldn't exactly execute.

My phone went off toward the end of art when we had the last ten minutes to ourselves. I took it off the desk and checked it.

From Drummer Boy: Still need a ride home? xx

For some reason, the fact he ended literally every text with two exes made me smile. It was like Ashton was always happy.

To Drummer Boy: I will for the next week until my car is fixed

From Drummer Boy: I'm totally okay with that! ;) xx

To Drummer Boy: Still hella smooth

From Drummer Boy: As always xx

"Who the hell are you smiling at?" Michael's question pulled my from my phone and I realized I was in fact smiling like an idiot which just made me grimace because I'd been caught by Michael while I was acting like a huge girl. I couldn't explain why, but I really didn't want Michael seeing me be all heart-eyes emoji like I usually was with Ashton.

Wait, did I actually just admit to having a crush on Ashton? I mean, I knew there was some sort of feeling there but I didn't think I'd ever actually accepted them yet; I was in denial because of my ex.

"No one; shut up." I told him, shoving him before locking my phone and placing it back on the desk.

"You definitely were smiling at something," he pressed with a smile as he began to poke my sides - which tickled, by the way, so he earned the punch in the arm I gave him. "Ow! Jesus, Sam."

"First she dominates you and now you're her human punching bag," Calum smiled quietly. "You're really losing it, Michael."

The glare Michael sent his way made the smile from Calum's face disappear. I noticed that if Calum and Michael were superheros, Michael would be Batman and Calum would be Robin but more whipped. While in class I saw that Calum seemed to only do or say things that Michael would like or approve of - he'd say something and then look over to Michael for his reaction. It was kind of sad, really, to see a boy who couldn't be himself around his best - and possibly only - friend.

We spent the rest of class in silence until the bell rang, except for Mikey trying to look over my shoulder at my texts. Once the bell went off, I slung my bag over my shoulders and headed out to meet up with Ashton at the front of the school. I made sure to text Derek that he was giving us a ride home again, as well as for the rest of the week.

"Sam, wait!" Michael called after me.

I spun around, my phone still in my hands, and I raised my eyebrows at him. He looked around the hall almost as if he was seeing if anyone was paying attention to us. "Our deal still stands, right?"

I looked away with a smirk on my face. The badboy didn't want to be associated with me but he still wanted to fuck me. Figures. "Yeah, it's still there."

He nodded once before turning away. Calum waved quickly before following after Michael. I rolled my eyes - those two were such dorks, I swear - and turned to walk toward the entrance to the school to find Ashton and Derek. Although, Derek had found me first, skipping up next to me with a big smile on his face.

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