Seven | Dinner Date

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We found the group at the big table in the corner. Luke was sitting next to Calum on the outside of the round booth, playing with his napkin, while Michael claimed the other side of Calum. The two friends talked with Lottie, who was smiling brightly; Luke kept to himself. Dakota trailed behind us, seeming a bit off, but I thought better than to say anything. Ashton slid in first next to Lottie, then myself, followed by Dakota.

"I ordered extra cheese, Hawaiian, and meatlovers," Michael reported as we sat down. "That alright?"

"Extra cheese!" I cheered, my mouth already watering.

"The waitress said she'd be back for drink orders." Calum added.

"Shit," Dakota hissed. "That's what I forgot."

"What?" Calum wondered.

"Fake ID." she grumbled, resting her chin on her hand.

Michael smirked, muttering something about his getting taken away when he was younger, so Dakota and him got into a huge discussion about that. Luke continued to find more amusement in his napkin than anything else, so that left Lottie, Calum, Ashton, and I to find something to talk about because listening to Dakota and Michael list off illegal things they've done wasn't as fun as it may sound.

"So tell us about this essay." Lottie smiled as she rested her chin in the palm of her hand, her elbow propped on the table. Luke's eyes flashed up with curiosity.

I shrugged. "It wasn't even anything special."

"It's special to me," Lottie said, letting her arm fall onto the table. "And that's what counts since I'm in it."

"Yeah, I want to hear about it too." Ashton agreed with a smile.

"It wasn't even that I said specific things about you guys-"

"But you still mentioned us." Ashton reminded me.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the waitress walking toward our table. I sighed in relief and turned my attention her long enough to order a lemonade. Ashton asked for a screwdriver, handing the waitress his ID, and Dakota whispered if she could have a sip. Michael asked for a beer before handing his over, but everyone else just asked for a soda.

"Aren't you driving?" I asked Ashton jokingly. I figured he'd be able to handle one screwdriver.

He just shrugged. "Eh, it's just Mr Grumpy Gills over there."

Luke was oblivious once again to everything going on around him, so he didn't hear Ashton's comment. We laughed quietly together at the fact he didn't know we were picking on him, and his eyes flashed over to us. We dropped our heads, trying to hide smiles.

"Why is he always so angry?" I asked him.

"I don't know," he answered quietly. "He's been this way since year 10. He used to be this quiet, nerdy kid that just minded his own business and then he suddenly started beating the shit out of people and no one ever went anywhere near him."

 "Are you guys like, close?"

"Not really. He just lives out of town like me, so I drive him home and sometimes I drive him to school," he explained. "If he's on the way, I figured why not?"

The pizza arrived at our table and Michael's face instantly brightened like that of a child in a toy store. "Pizza!"

As soon as the Hawaiian was set down, Michael reached over and grabbed a slice. I wasn't into toppings, so I grabbed a slice of extra cheese as I thanked the waiters that brought it over. Everyone immediately dug in, and I had to say it was probably the best pizza I'd ever had. I'd have to get the number to this place and see if they deliver.

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