Twelve | Margie

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Monday rolled around and I was less than excited to go back to school. I realized that morning in the shower that I never actually got to go to my last two class because Thursday and Friday I'd gotten detentions and didn't get to go to class. As far as I knew, I had English and art but I'd never met the teachers or seen the class.

I put on the uniform that consisted of the plaid skirt, white blouse, blue vest, tie to match the skirt, and blue thigh-highs. For shoes, I picked a pair of black heeled ankle boots and considered myself ready. I left the room and walked down the stairs, my heels making a satisfying sound against the wood - or it was satisfying to me anyway.

I found Derek in the kitchen with my moms. Molly was probably still asleep and Jules was supposed to be home while Mom went into work; she was a nurse and was apparently going in late today. Derek was sitting at the breakfast bar with some toast in front of him. He looked up as I entered. Derek was clad in black pants, his blue Vans, a white button up under a blue blazer with the sleeves rolled up, and a plain blue tie.

"Morning." he nodded at me as I stood at the other side of the counter.

"Sup, loser." I gave a smile after I took a piece of toast from his plate and bit into it.

"Hey, make your own." he whined, moving his plate closer to himself.

"Can't," I said with my mouth still full. "We gotta get outtie."

"Already?" he groaned, looking over at the clock by the window in the kitchen. He huffed, but got down and put his plate in the sink, finishing his toast.

I grabbed my bag from where it sat by the garage door and called for Jules before going into the garage and getting into the front seat of her car. Derek got into the back seat behind mine. Jules came out a moment later, started up the car, and pulled out of the driveway. The drive to school wasn't terribly long but it was still boring. There was no music or talking that filled the car like when she had dropped me off at detention two days ago. Instead, Jules focused on the road while Derek and I stared out the windows. What was with her this morning? She was always so happy and talkative.

We pulled up to the curb of the school and Derek and I got out, slinging out bags over our shoulders. I said my thanks and told her I loved her before shutting the door and walking toward the courtyard. Derek stayed by my side until he spotted his friends and he said goodbye before striding over to them. I kept to the concrete path instead of straying off to the lawn in search of Lottie or Ashton or something.

Ashton. For some reason the thought of seeing him made my heart beat speed up a bit. Did I actually have a crush on him? That was practically impossible, right? I hadn't had a crush in two years.

I made my way inside the school and headed to my locker. My heart fluttered yet again as I saw a tall, curly-haired boy standing up against it with one foot pressed against the locker. He had his phone in his hand and didn't see me walking up. My phone vibrated in my hand and I checked it. I couldn't help but laugh quietly at what it said.

From Drummer Boy: Where are youuuuuu? xx

I looked back up at him to see him still on his phone. "Look up, Drummer Boy!" I called.

His head snapped up and he locked eyes with me behind his big glasses, a smile spreading on his face as I approached. "Hey, that was fast."

"What are you waiting for me for?" I wondered as I did my combination.

Ashton moved his body so he was facing me but was still leaning against the wall of lockers. "A friend can't wait for his friend to walk with her to class?"

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