Six | Not Okay

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Michael walked into the flat he shared with Calum that still had zero electricity or heating. He cussed as he slammed his keys onto the kitchen counter.

"I thought you said you paid rent this morning?" Michael growled, turning to face Calum.

"I did," he insisted. "I don't know why nothing's working."

"I fucking hate this place." he said, kicking the counter.

"I'll call the landlord." Calum said calmly, walking into the living room as he took his phone out of his pocket.

Michael continued to storm around the apartment, grumbling to himself about how they can't pay for anything. If his parents weren't such assholes, he wouldn't be in this mess. He figured maybe he could call up his cousin, Marie and ask her to spare them some money. But he'd already asked her to help out with their rent the passed three months and he felt like shit every time he did.

"What do you mean it's bumped up?" Calum demanded. "The contract said-"

"What?" Michael hissed, stomping over to Calum's side.

Calum held up a long finger in Michael's face as he listened to the man on the other line. "Yeah, fine, whatever." he stated before throwing his phone onto the couch.

"What?" Michael asked in a calmer tone this time.

Calum ran his hands over his face a few times before he could reply. "Rent cost more."

"But the contract-"

"Apparently said that rent could be raised if we haven't been paying." Calum said before Michael could finish talking.

Michael balled his hands into fists, punching at the nearest wall. His hand went through it easily - it wasn't the first time he put a hole in the wall and it certainly wouldn't be the last. Calum grabbed him by the arms and pulled him away from the wall, setting him down on the couch.

"Just breathe for a sec," he advised. "We're going to get ready to get some pizza and we're going to be okay. I'll just...I can ask Mali-Koa for money."

Michael sighed, sitting back against the couch. "I'm sick of asking people for money, Cal."

"It's not like we can work double shifts or get two jobs, though," Calum pointed out. "We're still in high school."

"But what's the point?" he practically shouted, gesturing wildly around their flat. "We're never going to amount to anything anyway!"

Calum just ran his hands through his hair as he stared down at the ground. "I'm going to go get ready." he mumbled before walking down the short hallway to his room.


I wasn't all too excited for tonight. After coming home and hearing nothing from Mom, I was thinking that she either didn't get a call from Vulkner or just didn't care anymore. But since I had no reason to back out, I went to my room to put on more deoderant and sprits on a little perfume before going downstairs to wait. I didn't bother brushing my teeth since we were going out to eat anyway, but I checked my pockets for that pack of gum I had.

Mom was cooking in the kitchen. It smelled like her amazing chicken catchatory, which made me kind of upset I wasn't staying for dinner. She didn't even notice me walk in until I accidentally stubbed my foot on the counter.

"Shit!" I hissed.

"Samantha, language." Mom scolded, turning around to give me a slight glare.

"Sorry." I mumbled, sitting at the breakfast bar.

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