Eight | Saturday Detention

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**sam's outfit is in the external link xx

I woke up the next morning early enough that I wouldn't be late to detention. Normally, I wouldn't care if I was late, but I'd feel bad leaving Drummer Boy there by himself just because my lazy ass didn't want to go. There was no way he would ever survive a Saturday detention with Vulkner.

I slipped on some white cut-offs, and a light pink crop top with ruffled layers - I decided this outfit would be best for not sweating my ass off since it was incredibly hot outside according to the weather app on my phone. I put on some grey Vans, and decided to mix it up with my jewelry, putting on gold bangles instead and some gold rings on my fingers. After deciding my hair looked fine down, I went downstairs and grabbed my keys off the counter.

"Broken," Jules' voice said behind me, making me jump. I turned to face her; she had a coffee cup held to her lips as she had a perfect brown eyebrow raised. "Remember?"

"Ugh, shit," I groaned. "I can't be late for this."

"You don't want to be late for detention?" she practically gasped. "You sure you're Sam?"

"Jules, this is serious," I groaned. She didn't seem bothered that I didn't use some motherly name for her. "There's this boy-"

"Oh," she nodded. "That's why."

"I'm not trying to get with him!" I may or may not have lied - even I wasn't sure what I wanted anymore, especially after last night. "Can you just please get me to school?"

She sighed, setting her coffee cup down on the island. "Oh, alright. Get in the car."

I flashed a smile before spinning on my heels to go to the garage. I got into her silver Honda CRV and waited for her to come outside. When she did, she changed into jeans and a plum t-shirt, although I don't know why. She slid into the driver's side, turning the car on before buckling up and pulling out of the garage. She turned on some mainstream station that was playing a song that I didn't know the name of but was way too over-played.

"So who's this boy?" Jules wondered as we drove down the street.

I shrugged. "His name's Ashton."

Jules raised her eyebrows under her sunglasses, waiting for me to continue. "Well?"

"Well what?" I asked, not knowing what else she wanted for me. I didn't really know what else to say about Ashton.

"What's he like?" she pressed. "What's he look like; what's his personality?"

I gave her a confused look. "You really want to talk boys with me right now?"

She shrugged. "Don't mom's do that?"

I shook my head. "Not mine."

She sighed. "It was worth a shot."

"Not really." I chuckled as we stopped at a red light.

I knew Jules was trying to get closer to me or whatever, but I just didn't feel comfortable talking about that stuff with my moms. I honestly didn't really talk about that stuff with anyone. I didn't have any girl friends to talk to about it after Danny, and I obviously wouldn't talk boys with my younger brother.

"You know," she hummed, tapping her fingers on the steering wheel as she waited for the light to turn green. "I haven't seen you date many boys since that boy from your sophomore year. Oh, what was his name...?"

"You haven't seen me dating because I haven't been," I told her as the light turned green and she stepped on the gas. "I just don't see any guys worth dating."

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