Chapter 3 - Moment of truth

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"So." I began. "I'm assuming you're all here for defense against the dark arts." there were murmurs saying things like Duh. No shit. Yup. Um, that's the name. I ignored them and continued my lesson.

"Today we will be learning how to fight real skeletons," I said. I prayed I had enough strength for this. I saw Will stand up but I motioned for him to sit down. "Would you prefer to fight Zombies?"

The mortals glanced amongst each other. Most were excited but others were wary and scared. I pulled out another cart of swords considering that Camp took a lot of them home after last years war to fix them. 

I closed my eyes and I concentrated, as soon as I got concentration I lost it because of some stupid kid in the back who managed to spill a drink and continued whispering with his friend. "Hey! Kid, in the back. Be quiet." I scolded. The kid scoffed. 

"You can't tell me what to do, you're my age."

"I'm a demigod who will not hesitate to make skeletons hold you against your will," I said darkly. He rolled his eyes and ignored me. I closed my eyes again and dropped to one knee putting one hand on the ground. The shadows swirled around me and the ground began to crack open. Skeletons and Zombies alike began to crawl out of the ground. 

Some Zombies popped up by where the kid was obeying my command, they grabbed him, pulled him up, and took him to the corner of the classroom. "I won't tell you what to do if you can get out of their hold."

I then turned to the class. "Now, those that wish to practice battle combat with the swords against the undead may come to pick a sword, dagger, spear or knife to use, those of you who are afraid to do such shall work with my partner Mr. Solace with Medical Combat." 

Will stood, gave me the We'll talk later  look and motioned to the others to join him.  A few girls and about two boys went with him while the rest of the class -Minus the detained one- were looking for swords or any kind of weapon. Well except Bow and quivers. If an arrow gets let loose we- I - may lose someone.

"Professor who are those people at the door?" asked a girl. I looked over and shook my head. 

"Old friends. Carry on, I'll be back shortly." I went to walk out the door when I stopped and looked at the kid who was hopelessly struggling against the hold of the undead. I snapped my fingers and they released standing at attention. The kid rubbed his arms. "Talkback to me again, and I'll give you a one-way ticket to the Underworld." the kids eyes widened and he left to find his friends in a hurry.

It was Percy, Annabeth, Jason -Yay-, Leo- meh-, Hazel- yay-, Frank- I'm still not sure if I approve-, Piper-meh-, and five other people I don't know. I looked and studied the other people.

One was obviously genderfluid, with Green hair, a pink dress shirt with a plaid green sweater over it and brown jeans with some dress shoes, he's also gay. Then there was the blond that looked just like Will, just with messy dirty blond hair and a bit shorter and with grey eyes, but not stormy like annabeths more like a cloudy day, he stood next to the Green guy in a protective stance, Gay. Then there was a really short dude who was actually looking pretty snazzy if it weren't for the face mask, sunglasses and winter gloves. Then there was the tall looking guy, he looked like a younger version of Bob, except this one as you would be able to tell is nothing like Bob, he owns a scarf and Bob doesn't either, neither does small Bob. Finally, there was the female, she had an Axe hanging from her waist and she had a green Hijab on, she looked a little like the Green haired girl and - oh yeah, she shifted genders- so she must be the girl's sister.

"Nico!" Percy said giving me a hug. I patted his head in awkwardness and pulled him off me. Greenie giggled and I frowned after I heard her. 

"You're dead..." then I turned to the blond one. "You are too." Their eyes widened and looked at Annabeth.

"This is the one you told us about, the one who can control the dead, the one who's sister died and-" 

"Wait," I growled. "You told them my life story."

Annabeths expression was now an expression of pity and regret. "He's my cousin, and that's his boyfriend." 

"Girlfriend now." we both said.

She looked at me but I ignored her. "You had no right," I said. "If it weren't for you falling off that stupid cliff she would be alive and she never would have gone on that quest." Percy tried to grab my shoulder but I moved my shoulder aside so he missed. Shadows swirled around me as I got angrier. "You know how hard it is to know that the Great Annabeth Chase and Percy Freaking Jackson saved the world but the real reason why you're alive is because of me." The undead barged out of the classroom and into the hallway standing behind me and closing in on them. The other ten took a step back, Percy stayed by Annabeth. "I told Percy to bathe in the River Styx, I managed to get the god of the dead to help with the first war, which is a major reason on why you're not dead. I told everyone where the house of hades was, even after I spent a week in an acid-filled jar. I Transported the Athena Parthenos almost killing myself in the process, I nearly faded out of existence, but you know what I get? Nothing, just scandalous looks from two camps as if I've just killed their parents, not that look of admiration you guys get when you fight. You wouldn't have survived Tartarus as much as you did if I didn't tell Bob he was your friend. The last war- last year- I nearly killed myself saving you guys and the rest of the school. But I get nothing. The least you could have done was keep my life story away from other people." 

The shadows grew thicker as they went to grab Annabeth. Jason stepped forward and ran into the classroom. Annabeth tried to get away from them but they grabbed at her. "I only have one thing to say to you both." Annabeth was being covered in swirls of shadows. "Fuck you!" 

Annabeth didn't say anything. Percy was mad- no furious he tried to come at me but the Zombies and Skeletons kept him in place. "Don't pretend like you weren't a part of this Jackson, she owns your balls, you do what she says and you agree with it."

The classroom door swung open to reveal Will at the doorway. "Nico!" He yelled out. He grabbed managed to get through the zombies using his light magic to get through. He grabbed my arms and made me look into his eyes, I lost my concentration and the magic broke its hold. My eyes teared up and I fell into Wills's arms. He held me and kissed my head he softly sung a song."Mi dispice." I say in Italian, I slipped into my native language like I do when I'm upset. "Ho perso il conrollo. Avevi ragione, Mi dispiace." (I'm sorry, I lost control, you were right, I'm sorry)

"I know love," he said as he held me. "I know." 

I lifted my head and looked at Annabeth and Percy, they both looked at me with sorrow. I looked at Jason, Hazel, Frank, Leo, and Piper and I then looked away. I grabbed let go of Will and kissed his cheek. I grabbed Leo and I shadow traveled us to our place we went to all the time last year. The Shrieking Shack. Leo would be the only one who would listen and not judge. Maybe it's time I trust him.


I internally cried while reading this. Leo, Piper, Jason, Frank, Hazel , Alex, Magnus, Hearthstone, Blitzen, and Sam all stood there like awkward potatoes.

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