Chapter 22: Dreams of the Past

Start from the beginning

"Pikapi!" Pikachu squeaks happily, echoing his trainer's comment.

I go over to hug him, trying to tone my blushing cheeks down as much as possible.  "Thank you Ash," I whisper, feeling so happy I could burst.

"Let's go celebrate!  There's this great dance club down the road where we can all go and party, on me!  Well... not on me cause I'm broke, but Trevor will be happy to foot the bill!" Tierno cheers.

Meanwhile, Trevor doesn't look so happy.  "Wh-What!?  But that place is so expensive!"  He groans.  

However, no one takes his words to any concern and we all leave the Performance Hall.  During the walk there I accidentally brush hands with Ash, but when I do he grabs it and holds on to it tightly.  He looks at me and smiles, and I can't even stop my blushing face this time.  To think, a simple hand-hold is the star of my day.

A few months later...

"This is so great," I say, although my heart is twisting inside.  "A final picnic with all of us before Ash has to go to Alola."  All of our friends are also here, each one looking sad to see him go.

I can't believe Ash has to leave.  I want him to stay so badly.

I want to be with him.

"Yeah," Ash says rather ruefully.  "You guys will all be there at the airport to see me off tomorrow, right?"

"Right," everyone answers, including me.  I'm doing my best to smile, but inside I am broken.

My one true love is leaving tomorrow and he doesn't even know about my feelings yet.

"Hey, Serena, did you make some of your awesome desserts?" Ash asks, looking as excited as ever over food.  I'm going to be without that smile for who knows how long.  I try steeling myself and nod.  

"Yeah!  I made some macarons, and some PokePuffs for all of our Pokemon," I tell him with a forced smile.  I open both baskets of desserts, and about half of them are gone in the first two seconds.

"Mmm... these are great," Ash murmurs with a smile.  

"Hey, Serena, can I have a second one?" Bonnie asks me.

I nod.  "Of course!  As long as everyone gets one, have as many as you'd like."

She gives me a bright smile and takes two more in her hands.  "Thanks, Serena!"

Everyone chats for what seems like hours, and I try to, I really do, but I don't have the heart to.  I am so depressed because Ash is leaving, and he's leaving us, leaving me behind to continue his journey.  I can't blame him, he wants to continue his journey, to accomplish his dreams like I did.  Except... I'd always thought that I'd be in the picture somehow.

"Hey, um, Serena?" Ash's voice gets my attention.  "Are you okay?"

I instantly nod.  "Yeah, I'm okay.  What's up?"

He rubs the underside of his nose, like the day he gave me that ribbon.  "Well, um, there's something I've been wanting to ask you," he says slowly.  "Serena, I-"

Ash suddenly stops talking and looks at me in shock, his hands covering his face.  He's... oh Arceus, he's shaking and crying... what...?

A scream breaks apart the peaceful air.  It takes me a moment to realize that it's my own, it's me, I'm screaming.  I begin to hear screams and cries from all around me, and when I look down, there is a pointed blade emerging from my chest, and bright drops of crimson are already staining the grass below me.  I try to look at my attacker, but I can't... I can't move...

"Serena!" That's Ash, and suddenly he's cupping my face, forcing me to look at him.  "Serena, look at me.  You're going to be okay.  Promise me that you're going to be okay."

I try to answer, but I choke and sputter, coughing out more crimson.  He silences me, and I can tell that he's trying so hard not to cry.  However, I am.  Out of pain or sadness, I don't know.

Bonnie attempts to run to me, and Clemont pulls her back.  I guess everyone else is too shocked to move.  The young girl turns and gasps, tearing up even more.  "Squishy!"

Ash's gaze moves behind me and his voice hardens.  "You.  You did this to her."

"Why... why would you do that, Squishy?" Bonnie cries.  "Why would you!?"  

"It was her time," comes the Legendary Pokemon's telepathic voice.  "But now, it's time for her to go."

Ash holds on to me.  "Please, I beg of you, no-"

Green aura forms around Ash and flings him backwards.  Clemont and Alain come to help him up, but now I'm... floating?  I don't care.  All I care about is pain and Ash.  That's when I notice it; Squishy is taking me away from everyone, my friends, my other family, my Love.  Sylveon trots beside us, and to my surprise Squishy doesn't do anything about it.  I can see Braixen and Pancham in the distance, their eyes full of longing yet their feet are somehow stuck to the ground.  And the last thing I see is Ash.  Fallen on his knees, crying, begging for me to come back, for Squishy to bring me back.

The last things I hear are his cries of anguish and my muffled plea to Squishy to save me.

And then, all I see was black.  All I hear is nothing.


I wake up in a field full of green, flowers in full bloom.  A soft breeze rolls through my hair, and I feel at peace.  That's until I remember the gruesome events moments before, and I stand up.  I don't know where I am, but maybe there's someone who can help me?

"Hello," comes a calm voice from behind me before I can utter a cry for help.  I turn, and to my shock, I am faced with a man with... wings?  He has a royal blue suit on, and a cravat is tied around his neck.  His hair is a darker shade of my own, and his eyes are bright amber.

"Who... who are you?" I ask slowly, backing away.  

The man gives me a patient smile.  "You do not have to be afraid of me, Miss Serena."

Okay, that is the turning card.  "Who are you, and how do you know my name!?  And... where's Sylveon!?" I demand, realizing that my beloved Pokemon had come with me, and now she is missing.  "Sylveon!" I yell, trying to call her.

"She is safe," the strange man- fairy?- promises me.  "You must come with me, however.  Welcome to the Fairy world.  You have been born with special powers, and are one of the few individuals that gets to keep the well-being of the universe for the next millennium."

As much as this thought enthralls me, I have to shake my head.  "My friends are back there," I tell him desperately.  "Please, tell me, how can I leave!?  At least let me tell them that I'm alright!"

The fairy holds out his hand and I take it.  He begins to slowly lead me away from the clearing.  "I'm sorry," he says.  "But once you're here, there's no way to leave.  You cannot think about such things anymore, and although it's hard, I promise you, things will be okay-"

I jolt awake, my breathing heavy.  Sylveon wakes up beside me, her eyes full of worry for me.  This stupid nightmare.  The time I left Ash.  I hate it.  

Except now, Ash is here.  

Except now, I'll probably never see him again.

Except now, we're probably going to war against him.

Except now, I'll probably have to be the one to kill him.

My eyes fill with tears, and I try to cuddle with Sylveon to fall back asleep.  Except that never happens after a nightmare like this, where my thoughts are riddled with dread and my eyes see things I never wanted to see again.

I don't get anymore sleep tonight.


But anyway, I hope you enjoyed it, in one way or another.  Don't worry, I'm finished with these filler chapters (for now, sorry) too, so the next chapter will be more interesting.

Anyway, I'm gonna go now.  Stay tuned for more!! ^w^

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