"Stay down and relax honey." Her friendly yet professional voice cooed softly.

I try to glance around but she quickly grabbed my attention by shining a little flashlight into my eyes. I scrunge as a pain shoot through my cornea, as if someone is pressing a thousand needles inside it.

"Oh honey, you've got a nasty concussion and that cut is deep. Let's get you fixed up shall we?" She sternly said while she's grabbing some medical things. She brought a needle to my arm and I nearly had a heart attack along with my concussion.

"Sweety, be calm and still. This will help with the pain." She said sweetly this time.

I relaxed a bit and focused my attention rather on my pain. I felt a little sting and then I heard her speak again.

"There, see it wasn't that bad. Now let's attend to that wound shall we?"

She grabbed the medical needle and thread and brought it to the wound on my head. I twitched a bit as she went about her work, but soon it was over.

"There. I'm just going to keep you here for the day, so you can rest and I can keep an eye on you." She said strictly while cleaning up.

"What? No why? I'm fine! I need to get to school." I protested.

"Honey, a concussion isn't a joke. What happened anyway?" She asked me suspicious.

"I um.. I wasn't paying attention where I was walking. I tripped and fell against our garage wall." I said shamefully. It sounded even worse when I actually told her.

"That must have been a real nasty fall then. But no arguing, you're staying the day. I will let your parents know." She simply stated.

"No! Not my parents please. They're on vacation. Rather just call James. He's our butler." I quickly responded.

She raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. She just turned around and made her way out of the room, leaving me alone.

I sigh, the pain is almost completely numb. This is just awesome... I irritably tell myself.

Oh well. Might as well make myself home, cause I'm not going anywhere apparently.

I shuffle, twist and turn until I'm comfortable, grabbing the tv remote. I flicked through the channels on tv, until I landed on a movie channel.

'This means war' was on and it was about 10 minutes into the movie. I sigh as I slouch back into the hospital bed, starting to feel really tired.

I started to zone in and out of it, fighting to stay awake, because I know how dangerous it is to fall asleep so soon after getting a concussion. I mean I was just joking about never waking up. So let this be a lesson: be careful what you wish for ey...

The forces of slumber was too strong... Soon after I fell into a deep sleep.


"Do you think she's okay?" I heard a guy's familiar voice.

"Yeah, she's a fighter. This is like an afternoon nap to her probably." I hear another guy's voice.

My eyes feel so heavy. I feel like there's a 10 ton block attached on my eyelids.

"Will you guys just shut up? For christ sake you're like worse than girls at a slumber party." I hear a female's voice...

"Suck it Tessa." I heard one guy say. Oh my god.. What is she doing here?!

"When and where?" She asks the guy sarcasticly.

"Ew I can't believe you were friends with Lyn. Such a whore.." The same guy retorts.

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