"You'll know in a few minutes. Have some patience." Vidya smirked lightly.

Waiting for Vihaan's reply, Vidya threw herself on the couch and squirmed in the seat. After waiting for ten minutes, the phone buzzed.


The shortest reply from Vihaan compelled Vidya to frown.

*I have not been able to buy any proper dress for Vidya's marriage😣. I need you to accompany me to the mall and help me in choosing a dress for me, please hubby!🙏*

Vihaan replied in a minute and Vidya jumped in joy.

*I'll be there at the mall in time tomorrow🙂.*

Sanchi found herself confused with Vidya's behavior. "Wh-at made you jump li-ke that? Were you watch-ing any of the favour-ite epi-sodes of your favour-ite show in my pho-ne?"

"No! I was only trying to fix the most important episode of my soulmate's life," Vidya said smiling widely.

Jumping next to Vidya and snatching the mobile from her hand, Sanchi checked it. "What's all this, Vid-ya? You know he does-n't like all these. I'm just go-ing to tell the tru-th to him."

Vidya clutched Sanchi's arms. "Come on Vanya, you're not telling him anything. He didn't like all these in the past but ever since he's found you, he is trying to change himself. Didn't you see his replies? He agreed to meet you tomorrow."

Sanchi bit her lower lip in annoyance. "He agr-eed because he has prom-ised me not to hurt me ag-ain. He must have thou-ght that refu-sing me may hurt me."

"Whatever it is Vanya, but I know you are feeling proud inside your heart. He is doing things against his own rules only for you. Don't you think he's falling for you?" Vidya asked playfully.

Narrowing her eyes at Vidya, Sanchi spoke in a hoarse voice, "Dare you say that ag-ain, Vidya. I'll stop talk-ing to you."

Vidya laughed loudly. "Aren't you going my way? Don't you think even you are denying your feelings for Vihaan?"

Sanchi felt her heart beating faster than ever. She hadn't even considered how her own feelings could remain so foreign to herself. "Ple-ase Vidya, will you stop tea-sing me to get your work done? I'll go for the shop-ping with him tomo-rrow and buy gifts for the whole of Bun-dela family. This is what you want-ed and I'll do, I pro-mise. Text-ing him like this was-n't required."

Before Vidya could stop her, Sanchi left the room in a haste. Vidya stood wondering, "I don't know but her eyes are showing the evidences of intense love for Vihaan!"


The next morning, Sanchi reached the shopping mall an hour earlier than Vihaan. Entering her favorite designer's shop, she spoke to the manager, "I want to or-der some design-er gifts for my best friend's wed-ding."

"We do take orders, ma'am," the manager told her. 

"I'm in a hurry. I want it to be comple-ted in three days and I'll be gift-ing it to them on their recep-tion." Sanchi pleaded, "I may pay a little ex-tra for it."

"We take special orders and it'll be delivered in three days' time, ma'am." The manager requested her to place her orders.

Sanchi nodded. "No, I need gifts of the de-sign I requ-ire. You don't have the nice collec-tion and I can't give my best fri-end some cas-ual gift."

"You may narrate the design you like and we will try carving it for you."

Sanchi smiled willingly, describing the unique design of pendant she needed for Vidya and the unique design of the bracelet for Dheeraj. After placing her orders, she moved out of the store.

Sacrifice And Realisation (BOOK #1) ✔ Where stories live. Discover now